On *nix systems `-o .\ -s public` `\ ` will escape empty space and the result of this command will be not specifying schema, but creating a dot folder with name `. -s public` where entities are generated. I have not tested this change on windows machine, where I guess the former syntax is perfectly OK.
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Generates models for TypeORM from existing databases. Suported db engines:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
Global module
To install module globally simply type npm i -g typeorm-model-generator
in your console.
Npx way
Thanks to npx you can use npm modules without polluting global installs. So nothing to do here :)
To use
you need to use npm at version at least 5.2.0. Try updating your npm bynpm i -g npm
Usage: typeorm-model-generator -h <host> -d <database> -p [port] -u <user> -x
[password] -e [engine]
-h, --host IP adress/Hostname for database server. [required]
-d, --database Database name. [required]
-u, --user Username for database server. [required]
-x, --pass Password for database server. [required]
-p, --port Port number for database server.
-e, --engine Database engine.
[choices: "mssql", "postgres", "mysql", "mariadb"] [default: "mssql"]
-o, --output Where to place generated models.
-s, --schema Schema name to create model from. Only for mssql and postgres.
--ssl [boolean] [default: false]
--noConfig Doesn't create tsconfig.json and ormconfig.json
[boolean] [default: false]
--cf, --case-file Convert file names to specified case
[choices: "pascal", "param", "camel", "none"] [default: "none"]
--ce, --case-entity Convert class names to specified case
[choices: "pascal", "camel", "none"] [default: "none"]
--cp, --case-property Convert property names to specified case
[choices: "pascal", "camel", "none"] [default: "none"]
- Creating model from local MSSQL database
- Global module
typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d tempdb -u sa -x !Passw0rd -e mssql -o .
- Npx Way
npx typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d tempdb -u sa -x !Passw0rd -e mssql -o .
- Global module
- Creating model from local Postgres database, public schema with ssl connection
- Global module
typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d postgres -u postgres -x !Passw0rd -e postgres -o . -s public --ssl
- Npx Way
npx typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d postgres -u postgres -x !Passw0rd -e postgres -o . -s public --ssl
- Global module