315 lines
9.0 KiB
315 lines
9.0 KiB
// Coverage Reporter
// Part of this code is based on [1], which is licensed under the New BSD License.
// For more information see the See the accompanying LICENSE-istanbul file for terms.
// [1]: https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul/blob/master/lib/command/check-coverage.js
// =====================
// Generates the report
// Dependencies
// ------------
var path = require('path')
const { promisify } = require('util')
var istanbulLibCoverage = require('istanbul-lib-coverage')
var istanbulLibReport = require('istanbul-lib-report')
var minimatch = require('minimatch')
var globalSourceMapStore = require('./source-map-store')
var globalCoverageMap = require('./coverage-map')
var reports = require('./report-creator')
const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
// TODO(vojta): inject only what required (config.basePath, config.coverageReporter)
var CoverageReporter = function (rootConfig, helper, logger, emitter) {
var log = logger.create('coverage')
// Instance variables
// ------------------
this.adapters = []
// Options
// -------
var config = rootConfig.coverageReporter || {}
var basePath = rootConfig.basePath
var reporters = config.reporters
var sourceMapStore = globalSourceMapStore.get(basePath)
var includeAllSources = config.includeAllSources === true
if (config.watermarks) {
config.watermarks = helper.merge({}, istanbulLibReport.getDefaultWatermarks(), config.watermarks)
if (!helper.isDefined(reporters)) {
reporters = [config]
var coverageMaps
function normalize (key) {
// Exclude keys will always be relative, but covObj keys can be absolute or relative
var excludeKey = path.isAbsolute(key) ? path.relative(basePath, key) : key
// Also normalize for files that start with `./`, etc.
excludeKey = path.normalize(excludeKey)
return excludeKey
function getTrackedFiles (coverageMap, patterns) {
var files = []
coverageMap.files().forEach(function (key) {
// Do any patterns match the resolved key
var found = patterns.some(function (pattern) {
return minimatch(normalize(key), pattern, { dot: true })
// if no patterns match, keep the key
if (!found) {
return files
function overrideThresholds (key, overrides) {
var thresholds = {}
// First match wins
Object.keys(overrides).some(function (pattern) {
if (minimatch(normalize(key), pattern, { dot: true })) {
thresholds = overrides[pattern]
return true
return thresholds
function checkCoverage (browser, coverageMap) {
var defaultThresholds = {
global: {
statements: 0,
branches: 0,
lines: 0,
functions: 0,
excludes: []
each: {
statements: 0,
branches: 0,
lines: 0,
functions: 0,
excludes: [],
overrides: {}
var thresholds = helper.merge({}, defaultThresholds, config.check)
var globalTrackedFiles = getTrackedFiles(coverageMap, thresholds.global.excludes)
var eachTrackedFiles = getTrackedFiles(coverageMap, thresholds.each.excludes)
var globalResults = istanbulLibCoverage.createCoverageSummary()
var eachResults = {}
globalTrackedFiles.forEach(function (f) {
var fileCoverage = coverageMap.fileCoverageFor(f)
var summary = fileCoverage.toSummary()
eachTrackedFiles.forEach(function (f) {
var fileCoverage = coverageMap.fileCoverageFor(f)
var summary = fileCoverage.toSummary()
eachResults[f] = summary
var coverageFailed = false
const { emitWarning = false } = thresholds
function check (name, thresholds, actuals) {
var keys = [
keys.forEach(function (key) {
var actual = actuals[key].pct
var actualUncovered = actuals[key].total - actuals[key].covered
var threshold = thresholds[key]
if (threshold < 0) {
if (threshold * -1 < actualUncovered) {
coverageFailed = true
log.error(browser.name + ': Uncovered count for ' + key + ' (' + actualUncovered +
') exceeds ' + name + ' threshold (' + -1 * threshold + ')')
} else if (actual < threshold) {
const message = `${browser.name}: Coverage for ${key} (${actual}%) does not meet ${name} threshold (${threshold}%)`
if (emitWarning) {
} else {
coverageFailed = true
check('global', thresholds.global, globalResults.toJSON())
eachTrackedFiles.forEach(function (key) {
var keyThreshold = helper.merge(thresholds.each, overrideThresholds(key, thresholds.each.overrides))
check('per-file' + ' (' + key + ') ', keyThreshold, eachResults[key].toJSON())
return coverageFailed
// Generate the output path from the `coverageReporter.dir` and
// `coverageReporter.subdir` options.
function generateOutputPath (basePath, browserName, dir = 'coverage', subdir) {
if (subdir && typeof subdir === 'function') {
subdir = subdir(browserName)
if (browserName) {
browserName = browserName.replace(':', '')
let outPutPath = path.join(dir, subdir || browserName)
outPutPath = path.resolve(basePath, outPutPath)
return helper.normalizeWinPath(outPutPath)
this.onRunStart = function (browsers) {
coverageMaps = Object.create(null)
// TODO(vojta): remove once we don't care about Karma 0.10
if (browsers) {
this.onBrowserStart = function (browser) {
var startingMap = {}
if (includeAllSources) {
startingMap = globalCoverageMap.get()
coverageMaps[browser.id] = istanbulLibCoverage.createCoverageMap(startingMap)
this.onBrowserComplete = function (browser, result) {
var coverageMap = coverageMaps[browser.id]
if (!coverageMap) return
if (!result || !result.coverage) return
this.onSpecComplete = function (browser, result) {
var coverageMap = coverageMaps[browser.id]
if (!coverageMap) return
if (!result.coverage) return
let checkedCoverage = {}
let promiseComplete = null
this.executeReport = async function (reporterConfig, browser) {
const results = { exitCode: 0 }
const coverageMap = coverageMaps[browser.id]
if (!coverageMap) {
const mainDir = reporterConfig.dir || config.dir
const subDir = reporterConfig.subdir || config.subdir
const outputPath = generateOutputPath(basePath, browser.name, mainDir, subDir)
const remappedCoverageMap = await sourceMapStore.transformCoverage(coverageMap)
const options = helper.merge(config, reporterConfig, {
dir: outputPath,
subdir: '',
browser: browser,
emitter: emitter,
coverageMap: remappedCoverageMap
// If config.check is defined, check coverage levels for each browser
if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, 'check') && !checkedCoverage[browser.id]) {
checkedCoverage[browser.id] = true
var coverageFailed = checkCoverage(browser, remappedCoverageMap)
if (coverageFailed && results) {
results.exitCode = 1
const context = istanbulLibReport.createContext(options)
const report = reports.create(reporterConfig.type || 'html', options)
// // If reporting to console or in-memory skip directory creation
const toDisk = !reporterConfig.type || !reporterConfig.type.match(/^(text|text-summary|in-memory)$/)
if (!toDisk && reporterConfig.file === undefined) {
return results
const mkdirIfNotExists = promisify(helper.mkdirIfNotExists)
await mkdirIfNotExists(outputPath)
log.debug('Writing coverage to %s', outputPath)
return results
this.onRunComplete = function (browsers) {
checkedCoverage = {}
let results = { exitCode: 0 }
const promiseCollection = reporters.map(reporterConfig =>
Promise.all(browsers.map(async (browser) => {
const res = await this.executeReport(reporterConfig, browser)
if (res && res.exitCode === 1) {
results = res
promiseComplete = Promise.all(promiseCollection).then(() => results)
return promiseComplete
this.onExit = async function (done) {
try {
const results = await promiseComplete
if (results && results.exitCode === 1) {
if (typeof config._onExit === 'function') {
} else {
} catch (e) {
log.error('Unexpected error while generating coverage report.\n', e)
CoverageReporter.$inject = ['config', 'helper', 'logger', 'emitter']
module.exports = CoverageReporter