2024-01-19 11:09:11 +01:00

428 lines
15 KiB

"use strict";
// Runtime header offsets
const ID_OFFSET = -8;
const SIZE_OFFSET = -4;
// Runtime ids
const STRING_ID = 1;
// Runtime type information
const ARRAYBUFFERVIEW = 1 << 0;
const ARRAY = 1 << 1;
const STATICARRAY = 1 << 2;
// const SET = 1 << 3;
// const MAP = 1 << 4;
const VAL_SIGNED = 1 << 11;
const VAL_FLOAT = 1 << 12;
// const VAL_NULLABLE = 1 << 13;
const VAL_MANAGED = 1 << 14;
// const KEY_ALIGN_OFFSET = 15;
// const KEY_SIGNED = 1 << 20;
// const KEY_FLOAT = 1 << 21;
// const KEY_NULLABLE = 1 << 22;
// const KEY_MANAGED = 1 << 23;
// Array(BufferView) layout
const ARRAY_SIZE = 16;
const BIGINT = typeof BigUint64Array !== "undefined";
const THIS = Symbol();
const CHUNKSIZE = 1024;
/** Gets a string from an U32 and an U16 view on a memory. */
function getStringImpl(buffer, ptr) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(buffer);
const U16 = new Uint16Array(buffer);
let length = U32[(ptr + SIZE_OFFSET) >>> 2] >>> 1;
let offset = ptr >>> 1;
if (length <= CHUNKSIZE) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, U16.subarray(offset, offset + length));
const parts = [];
do {
const last = U16[offset + CHUNKSIZE - 1];
const size = last >= 0xD800 && last < 0xDC00 ? CHUNKSIZE - 1 : CHUNKSIZE;
parts.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, U16.subarray(offset, offset += size)));
length -= size;
} while (length > CHUNKSIZE);
return parts.join("") + String.fromCharCode.apply(String, U16.subarray(offset, offset + length));
/** Prepares the base module prior to instantiation. */
function preInstantiate(imports) {
const extendedExports = {};
function getString(memory, ptr) {
if (!memory) return "<yet unknown>";
return getStringImpl(memory.buffer, ptr);
// add common imports used by stdlib for convenience
const env = (imports.env = imports.env || {});
env.abort = env.abort || function abort(msg, file, line, colm) {
const memory = extendedExports.memory || env.memory; // prefer exported, otherwise try imported
throw Error("abort: " + getString(memory, msg) + " at " + getString(memory, file) + ":" + line + ":" + colm);
env.trace = env.trace || function trace(msg, n) {
const memory = extendedExports.memory || env.memory;
console.log("trace: " + getString(memory, msg) + (n ? " " : "") +, 2, 2 + n).join(", "));
env.seed = env.seed || function seed() {
imports.Math = imports.Math || Math;
imports.Date = imports.Date || Date;
return extendedExports;
/** Prepares the final module once instantiation is complete. */
function postInstantiate(extendedExports, instance) {
const exports = instance.exports;
const memory = exports.memory;
const table = exports.table;
const alloc = exports["__alloc"];
const retain = exports["__retain"];
const rttiBase = exports["__rtti_base"] || ~0; // oob if not present
/** Gets the runtime type info for the given id. */
function getInfo(id) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
const count = U32[rttiBase >>> 2];
if ((id >>>= 0) >= count) throw Error("invalid id: " + id);
return U32[(rttiBase + 4 >>> 2) + id * 2];
/** Gets the runtime base id for the given id. */
function getBase(id) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
const count = U32[rttiBase >>> 2];
if ((id >>>= 0) >= count) throw Error("invalid id: " + id);
return U32[(rttiBase + 4 >>> 2) + id * 2 + 1];
/** Gets the runtime alignment of a collection's values. */
function getValueAlign(info) {
return 31 - Math.clz32((info >>> VAL_ALIGN_OFFSET) & 31); // -1 if none
/** Gets the runtime alignment of a collection's keys. */
// function getKeyAlign(info) {
// return 31 - Math.clz32((info >>> KEY_ALIGN_OFFSET) & 31); // -1 if none
// }
/** Allocates a new string in the module's memory and returns its retained pointer. */
function __allocString(str) {
const length = str.length;
const ptr = alloc(length << 1, STRING_ID);
const U16 = new Uint16Array(memory.buffer);
for (var i = 0, p = ptr >>> 1; i < length; ++i) U16[p + i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return ptr;
extendedExports.__allocString = __allocString;
/** Reads a string from the module's memory by its pointer. */
function __getString(ptr) {
const buffer = memory.buffer;
const id = new Uint32Array(buffer)[ptr + ID_OFFSET >>> 2];
if (id !== STRING_ID) throw Error("not a string: " + ptr);
return getStringImpl(buffer, ptr);
extendedExports.__getString = __getString;
/** Gets the view matching the specified alignment, signedness and floatness. */
function getView(alignLog2, signed, float) {
const buffer = memory.buffer;
if (float) {
switch (alignLog2) {
case 2: return new Float32Array(buffer);
case 3: return new Float64Array(buffer);
} else {
switch (alignLog2) {
case 0: return new (signed ? Int8Array : Uint8Array)(buffer);
case 1: return new (signed ? Int16Array : Uint16Array)(buffer);
case 2: return new (signed ? Int32Array : Uint32Array)(buffer);
case 3: return new (signed ? BigInt64Array : BigUint64Array)(buffer);
throw Error("unsupported align: " + alignLog2);
/** Allocates a new array in the module's memory and returns its retained pointer. */
function __allocArray(id, values) {
const info = getInfo(id);
if (!(info & (ARRAYBUFFERVIEW | ARRAY | STATICARRAY))) throw Error("not an array: " + id + ", flags= " + info);
const align = getValueAlign(info);
const length = values.length;
const buf = alloc(length << align, info & STATICARRAY ? id : ARRAYBUFFER_ID);
let result;
if (info & STATICARRAY) {
result = buf;
} else {
const arr = alloc(info & ARRAY ? ARRAY_SIZE : ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_SIZE, id);
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
U32[arr + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_BUFFER_OFFSET >>> 2] = retain(buf);
U32[arr + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_DATALENGTH_OFFSET >>> 2] = length << align;
if (info & ARRAY) U32[arr + ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET >>> 2] = length;
result = arr;
const view = getView(align, info & VAL_SIGNED, info & VAL_FLOAT);
if (info & VAL_MANAGED) {
for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) view[(buf >>> align) + i] = retain(values[i]);
} else {
view.set(values, buf >>> align);
return result;
extendedExports.__allocArray = __allocArray;
/** Gets a live view on an array's values in the module's memory. Infers the array type from RTTI. */
function __getArrayView(arr) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
const id = U32[arr + ID_OFFSET >>> 2];
const info = getInfo(id);
if (!(info & (ARRAYBUFFERVIEW | ARRAY | STATICARRAY))) throw Error("not an array: " + id + ", flags=" + info);
const align = getValueAlign(info);
let buf = info & STATICARRAY
? arr
const length = info & ARRAY
? U32[arr + ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET >>> 2]
: U32[buf + SIZE_OFFSET >>> 2] >>> align;
return getView(align, info & VAL_SIGNED, info & VAL_FLOAT).subarray(buf >>>= align, buf + length);
extendedExports.__getArrayView = __getArrayView;
/** Copies an array's values from the module's memory. Infers the array type from RTTI. */
function __getArray(arr) {
const input = __getArrayView(arr);
const len = input.length;
const out = new Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) out[i] = input[i];
return out;
extendedExports.__getArray = __getArray;
/** Copies an ArrayBuffer's value from the module's memory. */
function __getArrayBuffer(ptr) {
const buffer = memory.buffer;
const length = new Uint32Array(buffer)[ptr + SIZE_OFFSET >>> 2];
return buffer.slice(ptr, ptr + length);
extendedExports.__getArrayBuffer = __getArrayBuffer;
/** Copies a typed array's values from the module's memory. */
function getTypedArray(Type, alignLog2, ptr) {
return new Type(getTypedArrayView(Type, alignLog2, ptr));
/** Gets a live view on a typed array's values in the module's memory. */
function getTypedArrayView(Type, alignLog2, ptr) {
const buffer = memory.buffer;
const U32 = new Uint32Array(buffer);
const bufPtr = U32[ptr + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_DATASTART_OFFSET >>> 2];
return new Type(buffer, bufPtr, U32[bufPtr + SIZE_OFFSET >>> 2] >>> alignLog2);
/** Attach a set of get TypedArray and View functions to the exports. */
function attachTypedArrayFunctions(ctor, name, align) {
extendedExports["__get" + name] = getTypedArray.bind(null, ctor, align);
extendedExports["__get" + name + "View"] = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, ctor, align);
].forEach(ctor => {
attachTypedArrayFunctions(ctor,, 31 - Math.clz32(ctor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT));
if (BIGINT) {
[BigUint64Array, BigInt64Array].forEach(ctor => {
attachTypedArrayFunctions(ctor,, 3);
/** Tests whether an object is an instance of the class represented by the specified base id. */
function __instanceof(ptr, baseId) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
let id = U32[(ptr + ID_OFFSET) >>> 2];
if (id <= U32[rttiBase >>> 2]) {
do {
if (id == baseId) return true;
id = getBase(id);
} while (id);
return false;
extendedExports.__instanceof = __instanceof;
// Pull basic exports to extendedExports so code in preInstantiate can use them
extendedExports.memory = extendedExports.memory || memory;
extendedExports.table = extendedExports.table || table;
// Demangle exports and provide the usual utility on the prototype
return demangle(exports, extendedExports);
function isResponse(src) {
return typeof Response !== "undefined" && src instanceof Response;
function isModule(src) {
return src instanceof WebAssembly.Module;
/** Asynchronously instantiates an AssemblyScript module from anything that can be instantiated. */
async function instantiate(source, imports = {}) {
if (isResponse(source = await source)) return instantiateStreaming(source, imports);
const module = isModule(source) ? source : await WebAssembly.compile(source);
const extended = preInstantiate(imports);
const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, imports);
const exports = postInstantiate(extended, instance);
return { module, instance, exports };
exports.instantiate = instantiate;
/** Synchronously instantiates an AssemblyScript module from a WebAssembly.Module or binary buffer. */
function instantiateSync(source, imports = {}) {
const module = isModule(source) ? source : new WebAssembly.Module(source);
const extended = preInstantiate(imports);
const instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, imports);
const exports = postInstantiate(extended, instance);
return { module, instance, exports };
exports.instantiateSync = instantiateSync;
/** Asynchronously instantiates an AssemblyScript module from a response, i.e. as obtained by `fetch`. */
async function instantiateStreaming(source, imports = {}) {
if (!WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) {
return instantiate(
isResponse(source = await source)
? source.arrayBuffer()
: source,
const extended = preInstantiate(imports);
const result = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(source, imports);
const exports = postInstantiate(extended, result.instance);
return { ...result, exports };
exports.instantiateStreaming = instantiateStreaming;
/** Demangles an AssemblyScript module's exports to a friendly object structure. */
function demangle(exports, extendedExports = {}) {
extendedExports = Object.create(extendedExports);
const setArgumentsLength = exports["__argumentsLength"]
? length => { exports["__argumentsLength"].value = length; }
: exports["__setArgumentsLength"] || exports["__setargc"] || (() => { /* nop */ });
for (let internalName in exports) {
if (!, internalName)) continue;
const elem = exports[internalName];
let parts = internalName.split(".");
let curr = extendedExports;
while (parts.length > 1) {
let part = parts.shift();
if (!, part)) curr[part] = {};
curr = curr[part];
let name = parts[0];
let hash = name.indexOf("#");
if (hash >= 0) {
const className = name.substring(0, hash);
const classElem = curr[className];
if (typeof classElem === "undefined" || !classElem.prototype) {
const ctor = function(...args) {
return ctor.wrap(ctor.prototype.constructor(0, ...args));
ctor.prototype = {
valueOf: function valueOf() {
return this[THIS];
ctor.wrap = function(thisValue) {
return Object.create(ctor.prototype, { [THIS]: { value: thisValue, writable: false } });
if (classElem) Object.getOwnPropertyNames(classElem).forEach(name =>
Object.defineProperty(ctor, name, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(classElem, name))
curr[className] = ctor;
name = name.substring(hash + 1);
curr = curr[className].prototype;
if (/^(get|set):/.test(name)) {
if (!, name = name.substring(4))) {
let getter = exports[internalName.replace("set:", "get:")];
let setter = exports[internalName.replace("get:", "set:")];
Object.defineProperty(curr, name, {
get: function() { return getter(this[THIS]); },
set: function(value) { setter(this[THIS], value); },
enumerable: true
} else {
if (name === 'constructor') {
(curr[name] = (...args) => {
return elem(...args);
}).original = elem;
} else { // instance method
(curr[name] = function(...args) { // !
return elem(this[THIS], ...args);
}).original = elem;
} else {
if (/^(get|set):/.test(name)) {
if (!, name = name.substring(4))) {
Object.defineProperty(curr, name, {
get: exports[internalName.replace("set:", "get:")],
set: exports[internalName.replace("get:", "set:")],
enumerable: true
} else if (typeof elem === "function" && elem !== setArgumentsLength) {
(curr[name] = (...args) => {
return elem(...args);
}).original = elem;
} else {
curr[name] = elem;
return extendedExports;
exports.demangle = demangle;