420 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
420 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
import {createRequire as __cjsCompatRequire} from 'module';
const require = __cjsCompatRequire(import.meta.url);
// bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/source_file.mjs
import { decode, encode } from "@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec";
import mapHelpers from "convert-source-map";
// bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/segment_marker.mjs
function compareSegments(a, b) {
return a.position - b.position;
function offsetSegment(startOfLinePositions, marker, offset) {
if (offset === 0) {
return marker;
let line = marker.line;
const position = marker.position + offset;
while (line < startOfLinePositions.length - 1 && startOfLinePositions[line + 1] <= position) {
while (line > 0 && startOfLinePositions[line] > position) {
const column = position - startOfLinePositions[line];
return { line, column, position, next: void 0 };
// bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/source_file.mjs
function removeSourceMapComments(contents) {
return mapHelpers.removeMapFileComments(mapHelpers.removeComments(contents)).replace(/\n\n$/, "\n");
var SourceFile = class {
constructor(sourcePath, contents, rawMap, sources, fs) {
this.sourcePath = sourcePath;
this.contents = contents;
this.rawMap = rawMap;
this.sources = sources;
this.fs = fs;
this.contents = removeSourceMapComments(contents);
this.startOfLinePositions = computeStartOfLinePositions(this.contents);
this.flattenedMappings = this.flattenMappings();
renderFlattenedSourceMap() {
const sources = new IndexedMap();
const names = new IndexedSet();
const mappings = [];
const sourcePathDir = this.fs.dirname(this.sourcePath);
const relativeSourcePathCache = new Cache((input) => this.fs.relative(sourcePathDir, input));
for (const mapping of this.flattenedMappings) {
const sourceIndex = sources.set(relativeSourcePathCache.get(mapping.originalSource.sourcePath), mapping.originalSource.contents);
const mappingArray = [
if (mapping.name !== void 0) {
const nameIndex = names.add(mapping.name);
const line = mapping.generatedSegment.line;
while (line >= mappings.length) {
const sourceMap = {
version: 3,
file: this.fs.relative(sourcePathDir, this.sourcePath),
sources: sources.keys,
names: names.values,
mappings: encode(mappings),
sourcesContent: sources.values
return sourceMap;
getOriginalLocation(line, column) {
if (this.flattenedMappings.length === 0) {
return null;
let position;
if (line < this.startOfLinePositions.length) {
position = this.startOfLinePositions[line] + column;
} else {
position = this.contents.length;
const locationSegment = { line, column, position, next: void 0 };
let mappingIndex = findLastMappingIndexBefore(this.flattenedMappings, locationSegment, false, 0);
if (mappingIndex < 0) {
mappingIndex = 0;
const { originalSegment, originalSource, generatedSegment } = this.flattenedMappings[mappingIndex];
const offset = locationSegment.position - generatedSegment.position;
const offsetOriginalSegment = offsetSegment(originalSource.startOfLinePositions, originalSegment, offset);
return {
file: originalSource.sourcePath,
line: offsetOriginalSegment.line,
column: offsetOriginalSegment.column
flattenMappings() {
const mappings = parseMappings(this.rawMap && this.rawMap.map, this.sources, this.startOfLinePositions);
const flattenedMappings = [];
for (let mappingIndex = 0; mappingIndex < mappings.length; mappingIndex++) {
const aToBmapping = mappings[mappingIndex];
const bSource = aToBmapping.originalSource;
if (bSource.flattenedMappings.length === 0) {
const incomingStart = aToBmapping.originalSegment;
const incomingEnd = incomingStart.next;
let outgoingStartIndex = findLastMappingIndexBefore(bSource.flattenedMappings, incomingStart, false, 0);
if (outgoingStartIndex < 0) {
outgoingStartIndex = 0;
const outgoingEndIndex = incomingEnd !== void 0 ? findLastMappingIndexBefore(bSource.flattenedMappings, incomingEnd, true, outgoingStartIndex) : bSource.flattenedMappings.length - 1;
for (let bToCmappingIndex = outgoingStartIndex; bToCmappingIndex <= outgoingEndIndex; bToCmappingIndex++) {
const bToCmapping = bSource.flattenedMappings[bToCmappingIndex];
flattenedMappings.push(mergeMappings(this, aToBmapping, bToCmapping));
return flattenedMappings;
function findLastMappingIndexBefore(mappings, marker, exclusive, lowerIndex) {
let upperIndex = mappings.length - 1;
const test = exclusive ? -1 : 0;
if (compareSegments(mappings[lowerIndex].generatedSegment, marker) > test) {
return -1;
let matchingIndex = -1;
while (lowerIndex <= upperIndex) {
const index = upperIndex + lowerIndex >> 1;
if (compareSegments(mappings[index].generatedSegment, marker) <= test) {
matchingIndex = index;
lowerIndex = index + 1;
} else {
upperIndex = index - 1;
return matchingIndex;
function mergeMappings(generatedSource, ab, bc) {
const name = bc.name || ab.name;
const diff = compareSegments(bc.generatedSegment, ab.originalSegment);
if (diff > 0) {
return {
generatedSegment: offsetSegment(generatedSource.startOfLinePositions, ab.generatedSegment, diff),
originalSource: bc.originalSource,
originalSegment: bc.originalSegment
} else {
return {
generatedSegment: ab.generatedSegment,
originalSource: bc.originalSource,
originalSegment: offsetSegment(bc.originalSource.startOfLinePositions, bc.originalSegment, -diff)
function parseMappings(rawMap, sources, generatedSourceStartOfLinePositions) {
if (rawMap === null) {
return [];
const rawMappings = decode(rawMap.mappings);
if (rawMappings === null) {
return [];
const mappings = [];
for (let generatedLine = 0; generatedLine < rawMappings.length; generatedLine++) {
const generatedLineMappings = rawMappings[generatedLine];
for (const rawMapping of generatedLineMappings) {
if (rawMapping.length >= 4) {
const originalSource = sources[rawMapping[1]];
if (originalSource === null || originalSource === void 0) {
const generatedColumn = rawMapping[0];
const name = rawMapping.length === 5 ? rawMap.names[rawMapping[4]] : void 0;
const line = rawMapping[2];
const column = rawMapping[3];
const generatedSegment = {
line: generatedLine,
column: generatedColumn,
position: generatedSourceStartOfLinePositions[generatedLine] + generatedColumn,
next: void 0
const originalSegment = {
position: originalSource.startOfLinePositions[line] + column,
next: void 0
mappings.push({ name, generatedSegment, originalSegment, originalSource });
return mappings;
function extractOriginalSegments(mappings) {
const originalSegments = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const mapping of mappings) {
const originalSource = mapping.originalSource;
if (!originalSegments.has(originalSource)) {
originalSegments.set(originalSource, []);
const segments = originalSegments.get(originalSource);
originalSegments.forEach((segmentMarkers) => segmentMarkers.sort(compareSegments));
return originalSegments;
function ensureOriginalSegmentLinks(mappings) {
const segmentsBySource = extractOriginalSegments(mappings);
segmentsBySource.forEach((markers) => {
for (let i = 0; i < markers.length - 1; i++) {
markers[i].next = markers[i + 1];
function computeStartOfLinePositions(str) {
const lineLengths = computeLineLengths(str);
const startPositions = [0];
for (let i = 0; i < lineLengths.length - 1; i++) {
startPositions.push(startPositions[i] + lineLengths[i] + NEWLINE_MARKER_OFFSET);
return startPositions;
function computeLineLengths(str) {
return str.split(/\n/).map((s) => s.length);
var IndexedMap = class {
constructor() {
this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.keys = [];
this.values = [];
set(key, value) {
if (this.map.has(key)) {
return this.map.get(key);
const index = this.values.push(value) - 1;
this.map.set(key, index);
return index;
var IndexedSet = class {
constructor() {
this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.values = [];
add(value) {
if (this.map.has(value)) {
return this.map.get(value);
const index = this.values.push(value) - 1;
this.map.set(value, index);
return index;
var Cache = class {
constructor(computeFn) {
this.computeFn = computeFn;
this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
get(input) {
if (!this.map.has(input)) {
this.map.set(input, this.computeFn(input));
return this.map.get(input);
// bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/source_file_loader.mjs
import mapHelpers2 from "convert-source-map";
// bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/content_origin.mjs
var ContentOrigin;
(function(ContentOrigin2) {
ContentOrigin2[ContentOrigin2["Provided"] = 0] = "Provided";
ContentOrigin2[ContentOrigin2["Inline"] = 1] = "Inline";
ContentOrigin2[ContentOrigin2["FileSystem"] = 2] = "FileSystem";
})(ContentOrigin || (ContentOrigin = {}));
// bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/src/source_file_loader.mjs
var SCHEME_MATCHER = /^([a-z][a-z0-9.-]*):\/\//i;
var SourceFileLoader = class {
constructor(fs, logger, schemeMap) {
this.fs = fs;
this.logger = logger;
this.schemeMap = schemeMap;
this.currentPaths = [];
loadSourceFile(sourcePath, contents = null, mapAndPath = null) {
const contentsOrigin = contents !== null ? ContentOrigin.Provided : ContentOrigin.FileSystem;
const sourceMapInfo = mapAndPath && { origin: ContentOrigin.Provided, ...mapAndPath };
return this.loadSourceFileInternal(sourcePath, contents, contentsOrigin, sourceMapInfo);
loadSourceFileInternal(sourcePath, contents, sourceOrigin, sourceMapInfo) {
const previousPaths = this.currentPaths.slice();
try {
if (contents === null) {
if (!this.fs.exists(sourcePath)) {
return null;
contents = this.readSourceFile(sourcePath);
if (sourceMapInfo === null) {
sourceMapInfo = this.loadSourceMap(sourcePath, contents, sourceOrigin);
let sources = [];
if (sourceMapInfo !== null) {
const basePath = sourceMapInfo.mapPath || sourcePath;
sources = this.processSources(basePath, sourceMapInfo);
return new SourceFile(sourcePath, contents, sourceMapInfo, sources, this.fs);
} catch (e) {
this.logger.warn(`Unable to fully load ${sourcePath} for source-map flattening: ${e.message}`);
return null;
} finally {
this.currentPaths = previousPaths;
loadSourceMap(sourcePath, sourceContents, sourceOrigin) {
const lastLine = this.getLastNonEmptyLine(sourceContents);
const inline = mapHelpers2.commentRegex.exec(lastLine);
if (inline !== null) {
return {
map: mapHelpers2.fromComment(inline.pop()).sourcemap,
mapPath: null,
origin: ContentOrigin.Inline
if (sourceOrigin === ContentOrigin.Inline) {
return null;
const external = mapHelpers2.mapFileCommentRegex.exec(lastLine);
if (external) {
try {
const fileName = external[1] || external[2];
const externalMapPath = this.fs.resolve(this.fs.dirname(sourcePath), fileName);
return {
map: this.readRawSourceMap(externalMapPath),
mapPath: externalMapPath,
origin: ContentOrigin.FileSystem
} catch (e) {
this.logger.warn(`Unable to fully load ${sourcePath} for source-map flattening: ${e.message}`);
return null;
const impliedMapPath = this.fs.resolve(sourcePath + ".map");
if (this.fs.exists(impliedMapPath)) {
return {
map: this.readRawSourceMap(impliedMapPath),
mapPath: impliedMapPath,
origin: ContentOrigin.FileSystem
return null;
processSources(basePath, { map, origin: sourceMapOrigin }) {
const sourceRoot = this.fs.resolve(this.fs.dirname(basePath), this.replaceSchemeWithPath(map.sourceRoot || ""));
return map.sources.map((source, index) => {
const path = this.fs.resolve(sourceRoot, this.replaceSchemeWithPath(source));
const content = map.sourcesContent && map.sourcesContent[index] || null;
const sourceOrigin = content !== null && sourceMapOrigin !== ContentOrigin.Provided ? ContentOrigin.Inline : ContentOrigin.FileSystem;
return this.loadSourceFileInternal(path, content, sourceOrigin, null);
readSourceFile(sourcePath) {
return this.fs.readFile(sourcePath);
readRawSourceMap(mapPath) {
return JSON.parse(this.fs.readFile(mapPath));
trackPath(path) {
if (this.currentPaths.includes(path)) {
throw new Error(`Circular source file mapping dependency: ${this.currentPaths.join(" -> ")} -> ${path}`);
getLastNonEmptyLine(contents) {
let trailingWhitespaceIndex = contents.length - 1;
while (trailingWhitespaceIndex > 0 && (contents[trailingWhitespaceIndex] === "\n" || contents[trailingWhitespaceIndex] === "\r")) {
let lastRealLineIndex = contents.lastIndexOf("\n", trailingWhitespaceIndex - 1);
if (lastRealLineIndex === -1) {
lastRealLineIndex = 0;
return contents.slice(lastRealLineIndex + 1);
replaceSchemeWithPath(path) {
return path.replace(SCHEME_MATCHER, (_, scheme) => this.schemeMap[scheme.toLowerCase()] || "");
export {
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
//# sourceMappingURL=chunk-GYHDNUIK.js.map