import { FileSystemAdapter, Pattern } from './types'; export declare const DEFAULT_FILE_SYSTEM_ADAPTER: FileSystemAdapter; export type Options = { /** * Return the absolute path for entries. * * @default false */ absolute?: boolean; /** * If set to `true`, then patterns without slashes will be matched against * the basename of the path if it contains slashes. * * @default false */ baseNameMatch?: boolean; /** * Enables Bash-like brace expansion. * * @default true */ braceExpansion?: boolean; /** * Enables a case-sensitive mode for matching files. * * @default true */ caseSensitiveMatch?: boolean; /** * Specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests from a reader to read * directories. * * @default os.cpus().length */ concurrency?: number; /** * The current working directory in which to search. * * @default process.cwd() */ cwd?: string; /** * Specifies the maximum depth of a read directory relative to the start * directory. * * @default Infinity */ deep?: number; /** * Allow patterns to match entries that begin with a period (`.`). * * @default false */ dot?: boolean; /** * Enables Bash-like `extglob` functionality. * * @default true */ extglob?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether to traverse descendants of symbolic link directories. * * @default true */ followSymbolicLinks?: boolean; /** * Custom implementation of methods for working with the file system. * * @default fs.* */ fs?: Partial<FileSystemAdapter>; /** * Enables recursively repeats a pattern containing `**`. * If `false`, `**` behaves exactly like `*`. * * @default true */ globstar?: boolean; /** * An array of glob patterns to exclude matches. * This is an alternative way to use negative patterns. * * @default [] */ ignore?: Pattern[]; /** * Mark the directory path with the final slash. * * @default false */ markDirectories?: boolean; /** * Returns objects (instead of strings) describing entries. * * @default false */ objectMode?: boolean; /** * Return only directories. * * @default false */ onlyDirectories?: boolean; /** * Return only files. * * @default true */ onlyFiles?: boolean; /** * Enables an object mode (`objectMode`) with an additional `stats` field. * * @default false */ stats?: boolean; /** * By default this package suppress only `ENOENT` errors. * Set to `true` to suppress any error. * * @default false */ suppressErrors?: boolean; /** * Throw an error when symbolic link is broken if `true` or safely * return `lstat` call if `false`. * * @default false */ throwErrorOnBrokenSymbolicLink?: boolean; /** * Ensures that the returned entries are unique. * * @default true */ unique?: boolean; }; export default class Settings { private readonly _options; readonly absolute: boolean; readonly baseNameMatch: boolean; readonly braceExpansion: boolean; readonly caseSensitiveMatch: boolean; readonly concurrency: number; readonly cwd: string; readonly deep: number; readonly dot: boolean; readonly extglob: boolean; readonly followSymbolicLinks: boolean; readonly fs: FileSystemAdapter; readonly globstar: boolean; readonly ignore: Pattern[]; readonly markDirectories: boolean; readonly objectMode: boolean; readonly onlyDirectories: boolean; readonly onlyFiles: boolean; readonly stats: boolean; readonly suppressErrors: boolean; readonly throwErrorOnBrokenSymbolicLink: boolean; readonly unique: boolean; constructor(_options?: Options); private _getValue; private _getFileSystemMethods; }