import {createRequire as __cjsCompatRequire} from 'module'; const require = __cjsCompatRequire(import.meta.url); import { FatalLinkerError, FileLinker, LinkerEnvironment, assert, isFatalLinkerError } from "../../chunk-GT7FGHLZ.js"; import "../../chunk-O55FKOOW.js"; import "../../chunk-G64XB6AU.js"; import { ConsoleLogger, LogLevel } from "../../chunk-SBDNBITT.js"; import "../../chunk-GYHDNUIK.js"; import { NodeJSFileSystem } from "../../chunk-CSOLWS7O.js"; import "../../chunk-XI2RTGAL.js"; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/linker/babel/src/es2015_linker_plugin.mjs import { types as t4 } from "@babel/core"; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/linker/babel/src/ast/babel_ast_factory.mjs import { types as t } from "@babel/core"; var BabelAstFactory = class { constructor(sourceUrl) { this.sourceUrl = sourceUrl; this.createArrayLiteral = t.arrayExpression; this.createBlock = t.blockStatement; this.createConditional = t.conditionalExpression; this.createExpressionStatement = t.expressionStatement; this.createIdentifier = t.identifier; this.createIfStatement = t.ifStatement; this.createNewExpression = t.newExpression; this.createParenthesizedExpression = t.parenthesizedExpression; this.createReturnStatement = t.returnStatement; this.createThrowStatement = t.throwStatement; this.createUnaryExpression = t.unaryExpression; } attachComments(statement, leadingComments) { for (let i = leadingComments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const comment = leadingComments[i]; t.addComment(statement, "leading", comment.toString(), !comment.multiline); } } createAssignment(target, value) { assert(target, isLExpression, "must be a left hand side expression"); return t.assignmentExpression("=", target, value); } createBinaryExpression(leftOperand, operator, rightOperand) { switch (operator) { case "&&": case "||": case "??": return t.logicalExpression(operator, leftOperand, rightOperand); default: return t.binaryExpression(operator, leftOperand, rightOperand); } } createCallExpression(callee, args, pure) { const call = t.callExpression(callee, args); if (pure) { t.addComment(call, "leading", " @__PURE__ ", false); } return call; } createElementAccess(expression, element) { return t.memberExpression(expression, element, true); } createFunctionDeclaration(functionName, parameters, body) { assert(body, t.isBlockStatement, "a block"); return t.functionDeclaration(t.identifier(functionName), => t.identifier(param)), body); } createArrowFunctionExpression(parameters, body) { if (t.isStatement(body)) { assert(body, t.isBlockStatement, "a block"); } return t.arrowFunctionExpression( => t.identifier(param)), body); } createFunctionExpression(functionName, parameters, body) { assert(body, t.isBlockStatement, "a block"); const name = functionName !== null ? t.identifier(functionName) : null; return t.functionExpression(name, => t.identifier(param)), body); } createDynamicImport(url) { return this.createCallExpression(t.import(), [t.stringLiteral(url)], false); } createLiteral(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { return t.stringLiteral(value); } else if (typeof value === "number") { return t.numericLiteral(value); } else if (typeof value === "boolean") { return t.booleanLiteral(value); } else if (value === void 0) { return t.identifier("undefined"); } else if (value === null) { return t.nullLiteral(); } else { throw new Error(`Invalid literal: ${value} (${typeof value})`); } } createObjectLiteral(properties) { return t.objectExpression( => { const key = prop.quoted ? t.stringLiteral(prop.propertyName) : t.identifier(prop.propertyName); return t.objectProperty(key, prop.value); })); } createPropertyAccess(expression, propertyName) { return t.memberExpression(expression, t.identifier(propertyName), false); } createTaggedTemplate(tag, template) { const elements =, i) => this.setSourceMapRange(t.templateElement(element, i === template.elements.length - 1), element.range)); return t.taggedTemplateExpression(tag, t.templateLiteral(elements, template.expressions)); } createTypeOfExpression(expression) { return t.unaryExpression("typeof", expression); } createVariableDeclaration(variableName, initializer, type) { return t.variableDeclaration(type, [t.variableDeclarator(t.identifier(variableName), initializer)]); } setSourceMapRange(node, sourceMapRange) { if (sourceMapRange === null) { return node; } node.loc = { filename: sourceMapRange.url !== this.sourceUrl ? sourceMapRange.url : void 0, start: { line: sourceMapRange.start.line + 1, column: sourceMapRange.start.column }, end: { line: sourceMapRange.end.line + 1, column: sourceMapRange.end.column } }; node.start = sourceMapRange.start.offset; node.end = sourceMapRange.end.offset; return node; } }; function isLExpression(expr) { return t.isLVal(expr); } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/linker/babel/src/ast/babel_ast_host.mjs import { types as t2 } from "@babel/core"; var BabelAstHost = class { constructor() { this.isStringLiteral = t2.isStringLiteral; this.isNumericLiteral = t2.isNumericLiteral; this.isArrayLiteral = t2.isArrayExpression; this.isObjectLiteral = t2.isObjectExpression; this.isCallExpression = t2.isCallExpression; } getSymbolName(node) { if (t2.isIdentifier(node)) { return; } else if (t2.isMemberExpression(node) && t2.isIdentifier( { return; } else { return null; } } parseStringLiteral(str) { assert(str, t2.isStringLiteral, "a string literal"); return str.value; } parseNumericLiteral(num) { assert(num, t2.isNumericLiteral, "a numeric literal"); return num.value; } isBooleanLiteral(bool) { return t2.isBooleanLiteral(bool) || isMinifiedBooleanLiteral(bool); } parseBooleanLiteral(bool) { if (t2.isBooleanLiteral(bool)) { return bool.value; } else if (isMinifiedBooleanLiteral(bool)) { return !bool.argument.value; } else { throw new FatalLinkerError(bool, "Unsupported syntax, expected a boolean literal."); } } parseArrayLiteral(array) { assert(array, t2.isArrayExpression, "an array literal"); return => { assert(element, isNotEmptyElement, "element in array not to be empty"); assert(element, isNotSpreadElement, "element in array not to use spread syntax"); return element; }); } parseObjectLiteral(obj) { assert(obj, t2.isObjectExpression, "an object literal"); const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const property of { assert(property, t2.isObjectProperty, "a property assignment"); assert(property.value, t2.isExpression, "an expression"); assert(property.key, isObjectExpressionPropertyName, "a property name"); const key = t2.isIdentifier(property.key) ? : property.key.value; result.set(`${key}`, property.value); } return result; } isFunctionExpression(node) { return t2.isFunction(node); } parseReturnValue(fn) { assert(fn, this.isFunctionExpression, "a function"); if (!t2.isBlockStatement(fn.body)) { return fn.body; } if (fn.body.body.length !== 1) { throw new FatalLinkerError(fn.body, "Unsupported syntax, expected a function body with a single return statement."); } const stmt = fn.body.body[0]; assert(stmt, t2.isReturnStatement, "a function body with a single return statement"); if (stmt.argument === null || stmt.argument === void 0) { throw new FatalLinkerError(stmt, "Unsupported syntax, expected function to return a value."); } return stmt.argument; } parseCallee(call) { assert(call, t2.isCallExpression, "a call expression"); assert(call.callee, t2.isExpression, "an expression"); return call.callee; } parseArguments(call) { assert(call, t2.isCallExpression, "a call expression"); return => { assert(arg, isNotSpreadArgument, "argument not to use spread syntax"); assert(arg, t2.isExpression, "argument to be an expression"); return arg; }); } getRange(node) { if (node.loc == null || node.start == null || node.end == null) { throw new FatalLinkerError(node, "Unable to read range for node - it is missing location information."); } return { startLine: node.loc.start.line - 1, startCol: node.loc.start.column, startPos: node.start, endPos: node.end }; } }; function isNotEmptyElement(e) { return e !== null; } function isNotSpreadElement(e) { return !t2.isSpreadElement(e); } function isObjectExpressionPropertyName(n) { return t2.isIdentifier(n) || t2.isStringLiteral(n) || t2.isNumericLiteral(n); } function isNotSpreadArgument(arg) { return !t2.isSpreadElement(arg); } function isMinifiedBooleanLiteral(node) { return t2.isUnaryExpression(node) && node.prefix && node.operator === "!" && t2.isNumericLiteral(node.argument) && (node.argument.value === 0 || node.argument.value === 1); } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/linker/babel/src/babel_declaration_scope.mjs import { types as t3 } from "@babel/core"; var BabelDeclarationScope = class { constructor(declarationScope) { this.declarationScope = declarationScope; } getConstantScopeRef(expression) { let bindingExpression = expression; while (t3.isMemberExpression(bindingExpression)) { bindingExpression = bindingExpression.object; } if (!t3.isIdentifier(bindingExpression)) { return null; } const binding = this.declarationScope.getBinding(; if (binding === void 0) { return null; } const path = binding.scope.path; if (!path.isFunctionDeclaration() && !path.isFunctionExpression() && !(path.isProgram() && path.node.sourceType === "module")) { return null; } return path; } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/linker/babel/src/es2015_linker_plugin.mjs function createEs2015LinkerPlugin({ fileSystem, logger, ...options }) { let fileLinker = null; return { visitor: { Program: { enter(path) { var _a, _b; assertNull(fileLinker); const file = path.hub.file; const filename = (_a = file.opts.filename) != null ? _a : file.opts.filenameRelative; if (!filename) { throw new Error("No filename (nor filenameRelative) provided by Babel. This is required for the linking of partially compiled directives and components."); } const sourceUrl = fileSystem.resolve((_b = file.opts.cwd) != null ? _b : ".", filename); const linkerEnvironment = LinkerEnvironment.create(fileSystem, logger, new BabelAstHost(), new BabelAstFactory(sourceUrl), options); fileLinker = new FileLinker(linkerEnvironment, sourceUrl, file.code); }, exit() { assertNotNull(fileLinker); for (const { constantScope, statements } of fileLinker.getConstantStatements()) { insertStatements(constantScope, statements); } fileLinker = null; } }, CallExpression(call) { if (fileLinker === null) { return; } try { const calleeName = getCalleeName(call); if (calleeName === null) { return; } const args = call.node.arguments; if (!fileLinker.isPartialDeclaration(calleeName) || !isExpressionArray(args)) { return; } const declarationScope = new BabelDeclarationScope(call.scope); const replacement = fileLinker.linkPartialDeclaration(calleeName, args, declarationScope); call.replaceWith(replacement); } catch (e) { const node = isFatalLinkerError(e) ? e.node : call.node; throw buildCodeFrameError(call.hub.file, e.message, node); } } } }; } function insertStatements(path, statements) { if (path.isProgram()) { insertIntoProgram(path, statements); } else { insertIntoFunction(path, statements); } } function insertIntoFunction(fn, statements) { const body = fn.get("body"); body.unshiftContainer("body", statements); } function insertIntoProgram(program, statements) { const body = program.get("body"); const importStatements = body.filter((statement) => statement.isImportDeclaration()); if (importStatements.length === 0) { program.unshiftContainer("body", statements); } else { importStatements[importStatements.length - 1].insertAfter(statements); } } function getCalleeName(call) { const callee = call.node.callee; if (t4.isIdentifier(callee)) { return; } else if (t4.isMemberExpression(callee) && t4.isIdentifier( { return; } else if (t4.isMemberExpression(callee) && t4.isStringLiteral( { return; } else { return null; } } function isExpressionArray(nodes) { return nodes.every((node) => t4.isExpression(node)); } function assertNull(obj) { if (obj !== null) { throw new Error("BUG - expected `obj` to be null"); } } function assertNotNull(obj) { if (obj === null) { throw new Error("BUG - expected `obj` not to be null"); } } function buildCodeFrameError(file, message, node) { const filename = file.opts.filename || "(unknown file)"; const error = file.buildCodeFrameError(node, message); return `${filename}: ${error.message}`; } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/linker/babel/src/babel_plugin.mjs function defaultLinkerPlugin(api, options) { api.assertVersion(7); return createEs2015LinkerPlugin({ ...options, fileSystem: new NodeJSFileSystem(), logger: new ConsoleLogger( }); } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/linker/babel/index.mjs var babel_default = defaultLinkerPlugin; export { createEs2015LinkerPlugin, babel_default as default }; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at */ //#