"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.hasTopLevelIdentifier = exports.addRouteDeclarationToModule = exports.getRouterModuleDeclaration = exports.isImported = exports.addBootstrapToModule = exports.addExportToModule = exports.addProviderToModule = exports.addImportToModule = exports.addDeclarationToModule = exports.addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata = exports.getMetadataField = exports.getDecoratorMetadata = exports.insertAfterLastOccurrence = exports.findNode = exports.getSourceNodes = exports.findNodes = exports.insertImport = void 0; const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core"); const ts = __importStar(require("../third_party/github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/lib/typescript")); const change_1 = require("./change"); /** * Add Import `import { symbolName } from fileName` if the import doesn't exit * already. Assumes fileToEdit can be resolved and accessed. * @param fileToEdit File we want to add import to. * @param symbolName Item to import. * @param fileName Path to the file. * @param isDefault If true, import follows style for importing default exports. * @param alias Alias that the symbol should be inserted under. * @return Change */ function insertImport(source, fileToEdit, symbolName, fileName, isDefault = false, alias) { const rootNode = source; const allImports = findNodes(rootNode, ts.isImportDeclaration); const importExpression = alias ? `${symbolName} as ${alias}` : symbolName; // get nodes that map to import statements from the file fileName const relevantImports = allImports.filter((node) => { return ts.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier) && node.moduleSpecifier.text === fileName; }); if (relevantImports.length > 0) { const hasNamespaceImport = relevantImports.some((node) => { return node.importClause?.namedBindings?.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport; }); // if imports * from fileName, don't add symbolName if (hasNamespaceImport) { return new change_1.NoopChange(); } const imports = relevantImports.flatMap((node) => { return node.importClause?.namedBindings && ts.isNamedImports(node.importClause.namedBindings) ? node.importClause.namedBindings.elements : []; }); // insert import if it's not there if (!imports.some((node) => (node.propertyName || node.name).text === symbolName)) { const fallbackPos = findNodes(relevantImports[0], ts.SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken)[0].getStart() || findNodes(relevantImports[0], ts.SyntaxKind.FromKeyword)[0].getStart(); return insertAfterLastOccurrence(imports, `, ${importExpression}`, fileToEdit, fallbackPos); } return new change_1.NoopChange(); } // no such import declaration exists const useStrict = findNodes(rootNode, ts.isStringLiteral).filter((n) => n.text === 'use strict'); let fallbackPos = 0; if (useStrict.length > 0) { fallbackPos = useStrict[0].end; } const open = isDefault ? '' : '{ '; const close = isDefault ? '' : ' }'; // if there are no imports or 'use strict' statement, insert import at beginning of file const insertAtBeginning = allImports.length === 0 && useStrict.length === 0; const separator = insertAtBeginning ? '' : ';\n'; const toInsert = `${separator}import ${open}${importExpression}${close}` + ` from '${fileName}'${insertAtBeginning ? ';\n' : ''}`; return insertAfterLastOccurrence(allImports, toInsert, fileToEdit, fallbackPos, ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral); } exports.insertImport = insertImport; function findNodes(node, kindOrGuard, max = Infinity, recursive = false) { if (!node || max == 0) { return []; } const test = typeof kindOrGuard === 'function' ? kindOrGuard : (node) => node.kind === kindOrGuard; const arr = []; if (test(node)) { arr.push(node); max--; } if (max > 0 && (recursive || !test(node))) { for (const child of node.getChildren()) { findNodes(child, test, max, recursive).forEach((node) => { if (max > 0) { arr.push(node); } max--; }); if (max <= 0) { break; } } } return arr; } exports.findNodes = findNodes; /** * Get all the nodes from a source. * @param sourceFile The source file object. * @returns {Array} An array of all the nodes in the source. */ function getSourceNodes(sourceFile) { const nodes = [sourceFile]; const result = []; while (nodes.length > 0) { const node = nodes.shift(); if (node) { result.push(node); if (node.getChildCount(sourceFile) >= 0) { nodes.unshift(...node.getChildren()); } } } return result; } exports.getSourceNodes = getSourceNodes; function findNode(node, kind, text) { if (node.kind === kind && node.getText() === text) { return node; } let foundNode = null; ts.forEachChild(node, (childNode) => { foundNode = foundNode || findNode(childNode, kind, text); }); return foundNode; } exports.findNode = findNode; /** * Helper for sorting nodes. * @return function to sort nodes in increasing order of position in sourceFile */ function nodesByPosition(first, second) { return first.getStart() - second.getStart(); } /** * Insert `toInsert` after the last occurence of `ts.SyntaxKind[nodes[i].kind]` * or after the last of occurence of `syntaxKind` if the last occurence is a sub child * of ts.SyntaxKind[nodes[i].kind] and save the changes in file. * * @param nodes insert after the last occurence of nodes * @param toInsert string to insert * @param file file to insert changes into * @param fallbackPos position to insert if toInsert happens to be the first occurence * @param syntaxKind the ts.SyntaxKind of the subchildren to insert after * @return Change instance * @throw Error if toInsert is first occurence but fall back is not set */ function insertAfterLastOccurrence(nodes, toInsert, file, fallbackPos, syntaxKind) { let lastItem; for (const node of nodes) { if (!lastItem || lastItem.getStart() < node.getStart()) { lastItem = node; } } if (syntaxKind && lastItem) { lastItem = findNodes(lastItem, syntaxKind).sort(nodesByPosition).pop(); } if (!lastItem && fallbackPos == undefined) { throw new Error(`tried to insert ${toInsert} as first occurence with no fallback position`); } const lastItemPosition = lastItem ? lastItem.getEnd() : fallbackPos; return new change_1.InsertChange(file, lastItemPosition, toInsert); } exports.insertAfterLastOccurrence = insertAfterLastOccurrence; function _angularImportsFromNode(node) { const ms = node.moduleSpecifier; let modulePath; switch (ms.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: modulePath = ms.text; break; default: return {}; } if (!modulePath.startsWith('@angular/')) { return {}; } if (node.importClause) { if (node.importClause.name) { // This is of the form `import Name from 'path'`. Ignore. return {}; } else if (node.importClause.namedBindings) { const nb = node.importClause.namedBindings; if (nb.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport) { // This is of the form `import * as name from 'path'`. Return `name.`. return { [nb.name.text + '.']: modulePath, }; } else { // This is of the form `import {a,b,c} from 'path'` const namedImports = nb; return namedImports.elements .map((is) => (is.propertyName ? is.propertyName.text : is.name.text)) .reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[curr] = modulePath; return acc; }, {}); } } return {}; } else { // This is of the form `import 'path';`. Nothing to do. return {}; } } function getDecoratorMetadata(source, identifier, module) { const angularImports = findNodes(source, ts.isImportDeclaration) .map((node) => _angularImportsFromNode(node)) .reduce((acc, current) => { for (const key of Object.keys(current)) { acc[key] = current[key]; } return acc; }, {}); return getSourceNodes(source) .filter((node) => { return (node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.Decorator && node.expression.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression); }) .map((node) => node.expression) .filter((expr) => { if (expr.expression.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) { const id = expr.expression; return id.text == identifier && angularImports[id.text] === module; } else if (expr.expression.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) { // This covers foo.NgModule when importing * as foo. const paExpr = expr.expression; // If the left expression is not an identifier, just give up at that point. if (paExpr.expression.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) { return false; } const id = paExpr.name.text; const moduleId = paExpr.expression.text; return id === identifier && angularImports[moduleId + '.'] === module; } return false; }) .filter((expr) => expr.arguments[0] && expr.arguments[0].kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression) .map((expr) => expr.arguments[0]); } exports.getDecoratorMetadata = getDecoratorMetadata; function getMetadataField(node, metadataField) { return (node.properties .filter(ts.isPropertyAssignment) // Filter out every fields that's not "metadataField". Also handles string literals // (but not expressions). .filter(({ name }) => { return (ts.isIdentifier(name) || ts.isStringLiteral(name)) && name.text === metadataField; })); } exports.getMetadataField = getMetadataField; function addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata(source, ngModulePath, metadataField, symbolName, importPath = null) { const nodes = getDecoratorMetadata(source, 'NgModule', '@angular/core'); const node = nodes[0]; // Find the decorator declaration. if (!node || !ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(node)) { return []; } // Get all the children property assignment of object literals. const matchingProperties = getMetadataField(node, metadataField); if (matchingProperties.length == 0) { // We haven't found the field in the metadata declaration. Insert a new field. let position; let toInsert; if (node.properties.length == 0) { position = node.getEnd() - 1; toInsert = `\n ${metadataField}: [\n${core_1.tags.indentBy(4) `${symbolName}`}\n ]\n`; } else { const childNode = node.properties[node.properties.length - 1]; position = childNode.getEnd(); // Get the indentation of the last element, if any. const text = childNode.getFullText(source); const matches = text.match(/^(\r?\n)(\s*)/); if (matches) { toInsert = `,${matches[0]}${metadataField}: [${matches[1]}` + `${core_1.tags.indentBy(matches[2].length + 2) `${symbolName}`}${matches[0]}]`; } else { toInsert = `, ${metadataField}: [${symbolName}]`; } } if (importPath !== null) { return [ new change_1.InsertChange(ngModulePath, position, toInsert), insertImport(source, ngModulePath, symbolName.replace(/\..*$/, ''), importPath), ]; } else { return [new change_1.InsertChange(ngModulePath, position, toInsert)]; } } const assignment = matchingProperties[0]; // If it's not an array, nothing we can do really. if (!ts.isPropertyAssignment(assignment) || !ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(assignment.initializer)) { return []; } let expresssion; const assignmentInit = assignment.initializer; const elements = assignmentInit.elements; if (elements.length) { const symbolsArray = elements.map((node) => core_1.tags.oneLine `${node.getText()}`); if (symbolsArray.includes(core_1.tags.oneLine `${symbolName}`)) { return []; } expresssion = elements[elements.length - 1]; } else { expresssion = assignmentInit; } let toInsert; let position = expresssion.getEnd(); if (ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(expresssion)) { // We found the field but it's empty. Insert it just before the `]`. position--; toInsert = `\n${core_1.tags.indentBy(4) `${symbolName}`}\n `; } else { // Get the indentation of the last element, if any. const text = expresssion.getFullText(source); const matches = text.match(/^(\r?\n)(\s*)/); if (matches) { toInsert = `,${matches[1]}${core_1.tags.indentBy(matches[2].length) `${symbolName}`}`; } else { toInsert = `, ${symbolName}`; } } if (importPath !== null) { return [ new change_1.InsertChange(ngModulePath, position, toInsert), insertImport(source, ngModulePath, symbolName.replace(/\..*$/, ''), importPath), ]; } return [new change_1.InsertChange(ngModulePath, position, toInsert)]; } exports.addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata = addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata; /** * Custom function to insert a declaration (component, pipe, directive) * into NgModule declarations. It also imports the component. */ function addDeclarationToModule(source, modulePath, classifiedName, importPath) { return addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata(source, modulePath, 'declarations', classifiedName, importPath); } exports.addDeclarationToModule = addDeclarationToModule; /** * Custom function to insert an NgModule into NgModule imports. It also imports the module. */ function addImportToModule(source, modulePath, classifiedName, importPath) { return addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata(source, modulePath, 'imports', classifiedName, importPath); } exports.addImportToModule = addImportToModule; /** * Custom function to insert a provider into NgModule. It also imports it. */ function addProviderToModule(source, modulePath, classifiedName, importPath) { return addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata(source, modulePath, 'providers', classifiedName, importPath); } exports.addProviderToModule = addProviderToModule; /** * Custom function to insert an export into NgModule. It also imports it. */ function addExportToModule(source, modulePath, classifiedName, importPath) { return addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata(source, modulePath, 'exports', classifiedName, importPath); } exports.addExportToModule = addExportToModule; /** * Custom function to insert an export into NgModule. It also imports it. */ function addBootstrapToModule(source, modulePath, classifiedName, importPath) { return addSymbolToNgModuleMetadata(source, modulePath, 'bootstrap', classifiedName, importPath); } exports.addBootstrapToModule = addBootstrapToModule; /** * Determine if an import already exists. */ function isImported(source, classifiedName, importPath) { const allNodes = getSourceNodes(source); const matchingNodes = allNodes .filter(ts.isImportDeclaration) .filter((imp) => ts.isStringLiteral(imp.moduleSpecifier) && imp.moduleSpecifier.text === importPath) .filter((imp) => { if (!imp.importClause) { return false; } const nodes = findNodes(imp.importClause, ts.isImportSpecifier).filter((n) => n.getText() === classifiedName); return nodes.length > 0; }); return matchingNodes.length > 0; } exports.isImported = isImported; /** * Returns the RouterModule declaration from NgModule metadata, if any. */ function getRouterModuleDeclaration(source) { const result = getDecoratorMetadata(source, 'NgModule', '@angular/core'); const node = result[0]; if (!node || !ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(node)) { return undefined; } const matchingProperties = getMetadataField(node, 'imports'); if (!matchingProperties) { return; } const assignment = matchingProperties[0]; if (assignment.initializer.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression) { return; } const arrLiteral = assignment.initializer; return arrLiteral.elements .filter((el) => el.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression) .find((el) => el.getText().startsWith('RouterModule')); } exports.getRouterModuleDeclaration = getRouterModuleDeclaration; /** * Adds a new route declaration to a router module (i.e. has a RouterModule declaration) */ function addRouteDeclarationToModule(source, fileToAdd, routeLiteral) { const routerModuleExpr = getRouterModuleDeclaration(source); if (!routerModuleExpr) { throw new Error(`Couldn't find a route declaration in ${fileToAdd}.\n` + `Use the '--module' option to specify a different routing module.`); } const scopeConfigMethodArgs = routerModuleExpr.arguments; if (!scopeConfigMethodArgs.length) { const { line } = source.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(routerModuleExpr.getStart()); throw new Error(`The router module method doesn't have arguments ` + `at line ${line} in ${fileToAdd}`); } let routesArr; const routesArg = scopeConfigMethodArgs[0]; // Check if the route declarations array is // an inlined argument of RouterModule or a standalone variable if (ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(routesArg)) { routesArr = routesArg; } else { const routesVarName = routesArg.getText(); let routesVar; if (routesArg.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) { routesVar = source.statements.filter(ts.isVariableStatement).find((v) => { return v.declarationList.declarations[0].name.getText() === routesVarName; }); } if (!routesVar) { const { line } = source.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(routesArg.getStart()); throw new Error(`No route declaration array was found that corresponds ` + `to router module at line ${line} in ${fileToAdd}`); } routesArr = findNodes(routesVar, ts.SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression, 1)[0]; } const occurrencesCount = routesArr.elements.length; const text = routesArr.getFullText(source); let route = routeLiteral; let insertPos = routesArr.elements.pos; if (occurrencesCount > 0) { const lastRouteLiteral = [...routesArr.elements].pop(); const lastRouteIsWildcard = ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(lastRouteLiteral) && lastRouteLiteral.properties.some((n) => ts.isPropertyAssignment(n) && ts.isIdentifier(n.name) && n.name.text === 'path' && ts.isStringLiteral(n.initializer) && n.initializer.text === '**'); const indentation = text.match(/\r?\n(\r?)\s*/) || []; const routeText = `${indentation[0] || ' '}${routeLiteral}`; // Add the new route before the wildcard route // otherwise we'll always redirect to the wildcard route if (lastRouteIsWildcard) { insertPos = lastRouteLiteral.pos; route = `${routeText},`; } else { insertPos = lastRouteLiteral.end; route = `,${routeText}`; } } return new change_1.InsertChange(fileToAdd, insertPos, route); } exports.addRouteDeclarationToModule = addRouteDeclarationToModule; /** Asserts if the specified node is a named declaration (e.g. class, interface). */ function isNamedNode(node) { return !!node.name && ts.isIdentifier(node.name); } /** * Determines if a SourceFile has a top-level declaration whose name matches a specific symbol. * Can be used to avoid conflicts when inserting new imports into a file. * @param sourceFile File in which to search. * @param symbolName Name of the symbol to search for. * @param skipModule Path of the module that the symbol may have been imported from. Used to * avoid false positives where the same symbol we're looking for may have been imported. */ function hasTopLevelIdentifier(sourceFile, symbolName, skipModule = null) { for (const node of sourceFile.statements) { if (isNamedNode(node) && node.name.text === symbolName) { return true; } if (ts.isVariableStatement(node) && node.declarationList.declarations.some((decl) => { return isNamedNode(decl) && decl.name.text === symbolName; })) { return true; } if (ts.isImportDeclaration(node) && ts.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier) && node.moduleSpecifier.text !== skipModule && node.importClause?.namedBindings && ts.isNamedImports(node.importClause.namedBindings) && node.importClause.namedBindings.elements.some((el) => el.name.text === symbolName)) { return true; } } return false; } exports.hasTopLevelIdentifier = hasTopLevelIdentifier;