"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.FallbackEngineHost = void 0; const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs"); const src_1 = require("../src"); /** * An EngineHost that support multiple hosts in a fallback configuration. If a host does not * have a collection/schematics, use the following host before giving up. */ class FallbackEngineHost { _hosts = []; addHost(host) { this._hosts.push(host); } createCollectionDescription(name, requester) { for (const host of this._hosts) { try { const description = host.createCollectionDescription(name, requester); return { name, host, description }; } catch (_) { } } throw new src_1.UnknownCollectionException(name); } createSchematicDescription(name, collection) { const description = collection.host.createSchematicDescription(name, collection.description); if (!description) { return null; } return { name, collection, description }; } getSchematicRuleFactory(schematic, collection) { return collection.host.getSchematicRuleFactory(schematic.description, collection.description); } createSourceFromUrl(url, context) { return context.schematic.collection.description.host.createSourceFromUrl(url, context); } transformOptions(schematic, options, context) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return (0, rxjs_1.of)(options).pipe(...this._hosts.map((host) => (0, rxjs_1.mergeMap)((opt) => host.transformOptions(schematic, opt, context)))); } transformContext(context) { let result = context; this._hosts.forEach((host) => { result = (host.transformContext(result) || result); }); return result; } listSchematicNames(collection, includeHidden) { const allNames = new Set(); this._hosts.forEach((host) => { try { host .listSchematicNames(collection.description, includeHidden) .forEach((name) => allNames.add(name)); } catch (_) { } }); return [...allNames]; } createTaskExecutor(name) { for (const host of this._hosts) { if (host.hasTaskExecutor(name)) { return host.createTaskExecutor(name); } } return (0, rxjs_1.throwError)(new src_1.UnregisteredTaskException(name)); } hasTaskExecutor(name) { for (const host of this._hosts) { if (host.hasTaskExecutor(name)) { return true; } } return false; } } exports.FallbackEngineHost = FallbackEngineHost;