"use strict"; var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); var join = require("path").join; var connect = require("connect"); var Immutable = require("immutable"); var http = require("http"); var https = require("https"); var Map = require("immutable").Map; var fromJS = require("immutable").fromJS; var List = require("immutable").List; var snippet = require("./../snippet").utils; var _ = require("../lodash.custom"); var serveStatic = require("./serve-static-wrapper").default(); var serveIndex = require("serve-index"); var logger = require("../logger"); var snippetUtils = require("../snippet").utils; var lrSnippet = require("resp-modifier"); var certPath = join(__dirname, "..", "..", "certs"); function getCa(options) { var caOption = options.getIn(["https", "ca"]); // if not provided, use Browsersync self-signed if (typeof caOption === "undefined") { return fs.readFileSync(join(certPath, "server.csr")); } // if a string was given, read that file from disk if (typeof caOption === "string") { return fs.readFileSync(caOption); } // if an array was given, read all if (List.isList(caOption)) { return caOption.toArray().map(function (x) { return fs.readFileSync(x); }); } } function getKey(options) { return fs.readFileSync(options.getIn(["https", "key"]) || join(certPath, "server.key")); } function getCert(options) { return fs.readFileSync(options.getIn(["https", "cert"]) || join(certPath, "server.crt")); } function getHttpsServerDefaults(options) { return fromJS({ key: getKey(options), cert: getCert(options), ca: getCa(options), passphrase: options.getIn(["https", "passphrase"], "") }); } function getPFXDefaults(options) { return fromJS({ pfx: fs.readFileSync(options.getIn(["https", "pfx"])) }); } var serverUtils = { /** * @param options * @returns {{key, cert}} */ getHttpsOptions: function (options) { var userOption = options.get("https"); if (Map.isMap(userOption)) { if (userOption.has("pfx")) { return userOption.mergeDeep(getPFXDefaults(options)); } return userOption.mergeDeep(getHttpsServerDefaults(options)); } return getHttpsServerDefaults(options); }, /** * Get either http or https server * or use the httpModule provided in options if present */ getServer: function (app, options) { return { server: (function () { var httpModule = serverUtils.getHttpModule(options); if (options.get("scheme") === "https" || options.get("httpModule") === "http2") { var opts = serverUtils.getHttpsOptions(options); return httpModule.createServer(opts.toJS(), app); } return httpModule.createServer(app); })(), app: app }; }, getHttpModule: function (options) { /** * Users may provide a string to be used by nodes * require lookup. */ var httpModule = options.get("httpModule"); if (typeof httpModule === "string") { /** * Note, this could throw, but let that happen as * the error message good enough. */ var maybe = require.resolve(httpModule); return require(maybe); } if (options.get("scheme") === "https") { return https; } return http; }, getMiddlewares: function (bs) { var clientJs = bs.pluginManager.hook("client:js", { port: bs.options.get("port"), options: bs.options }); var scripts = bs.pluginManager.get("client:script")(bs.options.toJS(), clientJs, "middleware"); var defaultMiddlewares = [ { id: "Browsersync HTTP Protocol", route: require("../config").httpProtocol.path, handle: require("../http-protocol").middleware(bs) }, { id: "Browsersync IE8 Support", route: "", handle: snippet.isOldIe(bs.options.get("excludedFileTypes").toJS()) }, { id: "Browsersync Response Modifier", route: "", handle: serverUtils.getSnippetMiddleware(bs) }, { id: "Browsersync Client - versioned", route: bs.options.getIn(["scriptPaths", "versioned"]), handle: scripts }, { id: "Browsersync Client", route: bs.options.getIn(["scriptPaths", "path"]), handle: scripts } ]; /** * Add cors middleware to the front of the stack * if a user provided a 'cors' flag */ if (bs.options.get("cors")) { defaultMiddlewares.unshift({ id: "Browsersync CORS support", route: "", handle: serverUtils.getCorsMiddlewware() }); } /** * Add connect-history-api-fallback if 'single' argument given */ if (bs.options.get("single")) { defaultMiddlewares.unshift({ id: "Browsersync SPA support", route: "", handle: require("connect-history-api-fallback")() }); } /** * Add serve static middleware */ if (bs.options.get("serveStatic")) { var ssMiddlewares = serverUtils.getServeStaticMiddlewares(bs.options.get("serveStatic"), bs.options.get("serveStaticOptions", Immutable.Map({})).toJS()); var withErrors = ssMiddlewares.filter(function (x) { return x.get("errors").size > 0; }); var withoutErrors = ssMiddlewares.filter(function (x) { return x.get("errors").size === 0; }); if (withErrors.size) { withErrors.forEach(function (item) { logger.logger.error("%s %s", chalk.red("Warning!"), item.getIn(["errors", 0, "data", "message"])); }); } if (withoutErrors.size) { withoutErrors.forEach(function (item) { defaultMiddlewares.push.apply(defaultMiddlewares, item.get("items").toJS()); }); } } /** * Add user-provided middlewares */ var userMiddlewares = bs.options .get("middleware") .map(normaliseMiddleware) .toArray(); var beforeMiddlewares = userMiddlewares.filter(function (x) { return x.override; }); var afterMiddlewares = userMiddlewares .filter(function (x) { return !x.override; }) .concat(bs.options.get("mode") !== "proxy" && userMiddlewares.length === 0 && { id: "Browsersync 404/index support", route: "", handle: serveIndex(bs.options.get("cwd"), { icons: true, view: "details" }) }); const mwStack = [] .concat(beforeMiddlewares, defaultMiddlewares, afterMiddlewares) .filter(Boolean); return mwStack; function normaliseMiddleware(item) { /** * Object given in options, which * ended up being a Map */ if (Map.isMap(item)) { return item.toJS(); } /** * Single function */ if (typeof item === "function") { return { route: "", handle: item }; } /** * Plain obj */ if (item.route !== undefined && item.handle) { return item; } } }, getBaseApp: function (bs) { var app = connect(); var middlewares = serverUtils.getMiddlewares(bs); /** * Add all internal middlewares */ middlewares.forEach(function (item) { app.stack.push(item); }); return app; }, getSnippetMiddleware: function (bs) { var rules = []; var blacklist = List([]) .concat(bs.options.getIn(["snippetOptions", "ignorePaths"])) .concat(bs.options.getIn(["snippetOptions", "blacklist"])) .filter(Boolean); var whitelist = List([]).concat(bs.options.getIn(["snippetOptions", "whitelist"])); // Snippet if (bs.options.get("snippet")) { rules.push(snippetUtils.getRegex(bs.options.get("snippet"), bs.options.get("snippetOptions"))); } // User bs.options.get("rewriteRules").forEach(function (rule) { if (Map.isMap(rule)) { rules.push(rule.toJS()); } if (_.isPlainObject(rule)) { rules.push(rule); } }); // Proxy if (bs.options.get("proxy")) { var proxyRule = require("./proxy-utils").rewriteLinks(bs.options.getIn(["proxy", "url"]).toJS()); rules.push(proxyRule); } var lr = lrSnippet.create({ rules: rules, blacklist: blacklist.toArray(), whitelist: whitelist.toArray() }); return lr.middleware; }, getCorsMiddlewware: function () { return function (req, res, next) { // Website you wish to allow to connect res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // Request methods you wish to allow res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE"); // Request headers you wish to allow res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With,content-type"); // Set to true if you need the website to include cookies in the requests sent // to the API (e.g. in case you use sessions) res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", true); next(); }; }, /** * @param ssOption * @param serveStaticOptions * @returns {*} */ getServeStaticMiddlewares: function (ssOption, serveStaticOptions) { return ssOption.map(function (dir, i) { /** * When a user gives a plain string only, eg: * serveStatic: ['./temp'] * -> * This means a middleware will be created with * route: '' * handle: serveStatic('./temp', options) */ if (_.isString(dir)) { return getFromString(dir); } /** * If a user gave an object eg: * serveStatic: [{route: "", dir: ["test", "./tmp"]}] * -> * This means we need to create a middle for each route + dir combo */ if (Immutable.Map.isMap(dir)) { return getFromMap(dir, i); } /** * At this point, an item in the serveStatic array was not a string * or an object so we return an error that can be logged */ return fromJS({ items: [], errors: [ { type: "Invalid Type", data: { message: "Only strings and Objects (with route+dir) are supported for the ServeStatic option" } } ] }); }); /** * @param {string} x * @returns {string} */ function getRoute(x) { if (x === "") return ""; return x[0] === "/" ? x : "/" + x; } /** * @param dir * @returns {Map} */ function getFromString(dir) { return fromJS({ items: [ { route: "", handle: serveStatic(dir, serveStaticOptions) } ], errors: [] }); } /** * @param dir * @returns {Map} */ function getFromMap(dir) { var ssOptions = (function () { if (dir.get("options")) { return dir.get("options").toJS(); } return {}; })(); var route = Immutable.List([]) .concat(dir.get("route")) .filter(_.isString); var _dir = Immutable.List([]) .concat(dir.get("dir")) .filter(_.isString); if (_dir.size === 0) { return fromJS({ items: [], errors: [ { type: "Invalid Object", data: { message: "Serve Static requires a 'dir' property when using an Object" } } ] }); } var ssItems = (function () { /** * iterate over every 'route' item * @type {Immutable.List|Immutable.List<*>|Immutable.List|*} */ var routeItems = (function () { /** * If no 'route' was given, assume we want to match all * paths */ if (route.size === 0) { return _dir.map(function (dirString) { return Map({ route: "", dir: dirString }); }); } return route.reduce(function (acc, routeString) { /** * For each 'route' item, also iterate through 'dirs' * @type {Immutable.Iterable} */ var perDir = _dir.map(function (dirString) { return Map({ route: getRoute(routeString), dir: dirString }); }); return acc.concat(perDir); }, List([])); })(); /** * Now create a serverStatic Middleware for each item */ return routeItems.map(function (routeItem) { return routeItem.merge({ handle: serveStatic(routeItem.get("dir"), ssOptions) }); }); })(); return fromJS({ items: ssItems, errors: [] }); } } }; module.exports = serverUtils; //# sourceMappingURL=utils.js.map