import {createRequire as __cjsCompatRequire} from 'module'; const require = __cjsCompatRequire(import.meta.url); import { DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE, EmitFlags, SOURCE, createCompilerHost, createMessageDiagnostic, exitCodeFromResult, formatDiagnostics, performCompilation, readConfiguration } from "./chunk-KDLK7PF4.js"; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/main.mjs import ts2 from "typescript"; import yargs from "yargs"; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/perform_watch.mjs import * as chokidar from "chokidar"; import * as path from "path"; import ts from "typescript"; function totalCompilationTimeDiagnostic(timeInMillis) { let duration; if (timeInMillis > 1e3) { duration = `${(timeInMillis / 1e3).toPrecision(2)}s`; } else { duration = `${timeInMillis}ms`; } return { category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, messageText: `Total time: ${duration}`, code: DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE, source: SOURCE, file: void 0, start: void 0, length: void 0 }; } var FileChangeEvent; (function(FileChangeEvent2) { FileChangeEvent2[FileChangeEvent2["Change"] = 0] = "Change"; FileChangeEvent2[FileChangeEvent2["CreateDelete"] = 1] = "CreateDelete"; FileChangeEvent2[FileChangeEvent2["CreateDeleteDir"] = 2] = "CreateDeleteDir"; })(FileChangeEvent || (FileChangeEvent = {})); function createPerformWatchHost(configFileName, reportDiagnostics, existingOptions, createEmitCallback) { return { reportDiagnostics, createCompilerHost: (options) => createCompilerHost({ options }), readConfiguration: () => readConfiguration(configFileName, existingOptions), createEmitCallback: (options) => createEmitCallback ? createEmitCallback(options) : void 0, onFileChange: (options, listener, ready) => { if (!options.basePath) { reportDiagnostics([{ category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, messageText: "Invalid configuration option. baseDir not specified", source: SOURCE, code: DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE, file: void 0, start: void 0, length: void 0 }]); return { close: () => { } }; } const watcher =, { ignored: /((^[\/\\])\..)|(\.js$)|(\.map$)|(\.metadata\.json|node_modules)/, ignoreInitial: true, persistent: true }); watcher.on("all", (event, path2) => { switch (event) { case "change": listener(FileChangeEvent.Change, path2); break; case "unlink": case "add": listener(FileChangeEvent.CreateDelete, path2); break; case "unlinkDir": case "addDir": listener(FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir, path2); break; } }); watcher.on("ready", ready); return { close: () => watcher.close(), ready }; }, setTimeout: ts.sys.clearTimeout && ts.sys.setTimeout || setTimeout, clearTimeout: ts.sys.setTimeout && ts.sys.clearTimeout || clearTimeout }; } function performWatchCompilation(host) { let cachedProgram; let cachedCompilerHost; let cachedOptions; let timerHandleForRecompilation; const ignoreFilesForWatch = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const fileCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const firstCompileResult = doCompilation(); let resolveReadyPromise; const readyPromise = new Promise((resolve) => resolveReadyPromise = resolve); const fileWatcher = host.onFileChange(cachedOptions.options, watchedFileChanged, resolveReadyPromise); return { close, ready: (cb) => readyPromise.then(cb), firstCompileResult }; function cacheEntry(fileName) { fileName = path.normalize(fileName); let entry = fileCache.get(fileName); if (!entry) { entry = {}; fileCache.set(fileName, entry); } return entry; } function close() { fileWatcher.close(); if (timerHandleForRecompilation) { host.clearTimeout(timerHandleForRecompilation.timerHandle); timerHandleForRecompilation = void 0; } } function doCompilation() { if (!cachedOptions) { cachedOptions = host.readConfiguration(); } if (cachedOptions.errors && cachedOptions.errors.length) { host.reportDiagnostics(cachedOptions.errors); return cachedOptions.errors; } const startTime =; if (!cachedCompilerHost) { cachedCompilerHost = host.createCompilerHost(cachedOptions.options); const originalWriteFileCallback = cachedCompilerHost.writeFile; cachedCompilerHost.writeFile = function(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles = []) { ignoreFilesForWatch.add(path.normalize(fileName)); return originalWriteFileCallback(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles); }; const originalFileExists = cachedCompilerHost.fileExists; cachedCompilerHost.fileExists = function(fileName) { const ce = cacheEntry(fileName); if (ce.exists == null) { ce.exists =, fileName); } return ce.exists; }; const originalGetSourceFile = cachedCompilerHost.getSourceFile; cachedCompilerHost.getSourceFile = function(fileName, languageVersion) { const ce = cacheEntry(fileName); if (!ce.sf) { ce.sf =, fileName, languageVersion); } return ce.sf; }; const originalReadFile = cachedCompilerHost.readFile; cachedCompilerHost.readFile = function(fileName) { const ce = cacheEntry(fileName); if (ce.content == null) { ce.content =, fileName); } return ce.content; }; cachedCompilerHost.getModifiedResourceFiles = function() { if (timerHandleForRecompilation === void 0) { return void 0; } return timerHandleForRecompilation.modifiedResourceFiles; }; } ignoreFilesForWatch.clear(); const oldProgram = cachedProgram; cachedProgram = void 0; const compileResult = performCompilation({ rootNames: cachedOptions.rootNames, options: cachedOptions.options, host: cachedCompilerHost, oldProgram, emitCallback: host.createEmitCallback(cachedOptions.options) }); if (compileResult.diagnostics.length) { host.reportDiagnostics(compileResult.diagnostics); } const endTime =; if (cachedOptions.options.diagnostics) { const totalTime = (endTime - startTime) / 1e3; host.reportDiagnostics([totalCompilationTimeDiagnostic(endTime - startTime)]); } const exitCode = exitCodeFromResult(compileResult.diagnostics); if (exitCode == 0) { cachedProgram = compileResult.program; host.reportDiagnostics([createMessageDiagnostic("Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.")]); } else { host.reportDiagnostics([createMessageDiagnostic("Compilation failed. Watching for file changes.")]); } return compileResult.diagnostics; } function resetOptions() { cachedProgram = void 0; cachedCompilerHost = void 0; cachedOptions = void 0; } function watchedFileChanged(event, fileName) { const normalizedPath = path.normalize(fileName); if (cachedOptions && event === FileChangeEvent.Change && normalizedPath === path.normalize(cachedOptions.project)) { resetOptions(); } else if (event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDelete || event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir) { cachedOptions = void 0; } if (event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir) { fileCache.clear(); } else { fileCache.delete(normalizedPath); } if (!ignoreFilesForWatch.has(normalizedPath)) { startTimerForRecompilation(normalizedPath); } } function startTimerForRecompilation(changedPath) { if (timerHandleForRecompilation) { host.clearTimeout(timerHandleForRecompilation.timerHandle); } else { timerHandleForRecompilation = { modifiedResourceFiles: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), timerHandle: void 0 }; } timerHandleForRecompilation.timerHandle = host.setTimeout(recompile, 250); timerHandleForRecompilation.modifiedResourceFiles.add(changedPath); } function recompile() { host.reportDiagnostics([createMessageDiagnostic("File change detected. Starting incremental compilation.")]); doCompilation(); timerHandleForRecompilation = void 0; } } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/main.mjs function main(args, consoleError = console.error, config, customTransformers, programReuse, modifiedResourceFiles) { let { project, rootNames, options, errors: configErrors, watch: watch2, emitFlags } = config || readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration(args); if (configErrors.length) { return reportErrorsAndExit(configErrors, void 0, consoleError); } if (watch2) { const result = watchMode(project, options, consoleError); return reportErrorsAndExit(result.firstCompileResult, options, consoleError); } let oldProgram; if (programReuse !== void 0) { oldProgram = programReuse.program; } const { diagnostics: compileDiags, program } = performCompilation({ rootNames, options, emitFlags, oldProgram, customTransformers, modifiedResourceFiles }); if (programReuse !== void 0) { programReuse.program = program; } return reportErrorsAndExit(compileDiags, options, consoleError); } function readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration(args) { const options = {}; const parsedArgs = yargs(args).parserConfiguration({ "strip-aliased": true }).option("i18nFile", { type: "string" }).option("i18nFormat", { type: "string" }).option("locale", { type: "string" }).option("missingTranslation", { type: "string", choices: ["error", "warning", "ignore"] }).option("outFile", { type: "string" }).option("watch", { type: "boolean", alias: ["w"] }).parseSync(); if (parsedArgs.i18nFile) options.i18nInFile = parsedArgs.i18nFile; if (parsedArgs.i18nFormat) options.i18nInFormat = parsedArgs.i18nFormat; if (parsedArgs.locale) options.i18nInLocale = parsedArgs.locale; if (parsedArgs.missingTranslation) options.i18nInMissingTranslations = parsedArgs.missingTranslation; const config = readCommandLineAndConfiguration(args, options, ["i18nFile", "i18nFormat", "locale", "missingTranslation", "watch"]); return { ...config, watch: }; } function readCommandLineAndConfiguration(args, existingOptions = {}, ngCmdLineOptions = []) { let cmdConfig = ts2.parseCommandLine(args); const project = cmdConfig.options.project || "."; const cmdErrors = cmdConfig.errors.filter((e) => { if (typeof e.messageText === "string") { const msg = e.messageText; return !ngCmdLineOptions.some((o) => msg.indexOf(o) >= 0); } return true; }); if (cmdErrors.length) { return { project, rootNames: [], options: cmdConfig.options, errors: cmdErrors, emitFlags: EmitFlags.Default }; } const config = readConfiguration(project, cmdConfig.options); const options = { ...config.options, ...existingOptions }; if (options.locale) { options.i18nInLocale = options.locale; } return { project, rootNames: config.rootNames, options, errors: config.errors, emitFlags: config.emitFlags }; } function getFormatDiagnosticsHost(options) { const basePath = options ? options.basePath : void 0; return { getCurrentDirectory: () => basePath || ts2.sys.getCurrentDirectory(), getCanonicalFileName: (fileName) => fileName.replace(/\\/g, "/"), getNewLine: () => { if (options && options.newLine !== void 0) { return options.newLine === ts2.NewLineKind.LineFeed ? "\n" : "\r\n"; } return ts2.sys.newLine; } }; } function reportErrorsAndExit(allDiagnostics, options, consoleError = console.error) { const errorsAndWarnings = allDiagnostics.filter((d) => d.category !== ts2.DiagnosticCategory.Message); printDiagnostics(errorsAndWarnings, options, consoleError); return exitCodeFromResult(allDiagnostics); } function watchMode(project, options, consoleError) { return performWatchCompilation(createPerformWatchHost(project, (diagnostics) => { printDiagnostics(diagnostics, options, consoleError); }, options, void 0)); } function printDiagnostics(diagnostics, options, consoleError) { if (diagnostics.length === 0) { return; } const formatHost = getFormatDiagnosticsHost(options); consoleError(formatDiagnostics(diagnostics, formatHost)); } export { main, readCommandLineAndConfiguration }; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at */ //#