import {createRequire as __cjsCompatRequire} from 'module'; const require = __cjsCompatRequire(import.meta.url); import { __require } from "./chunk-XI2RTGAL.js"; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/util.mjs var TS_DTS_JS_EXTENSION = /(?:\.d)?\.ts$|\.js$/; function normalizeSeparators(path) { return path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); } function stripExtension(path) { return path.replace(TS_DTS_JS_EXTENSION, ""); } function getSourceFileOrError(program, fileName) { const sf = program.getSourceFile(fileName); if (sf === void 0) { throw new Error(`Program does not contain "${fileName}" - available files are ${program.getSourceFiles().map((sf2) => sf2.fileName).join(", ")}`); } return sf; } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/invalid_file_system.mjs var InvalidFileSystem = class { exists(path) { throw makeError(); } readFile(path) { throw makeError(); } readFileBuffer(path) { throw makeError(); } writeFile(path, data, exclusive) { throw makeError(); } removeFile(path) { throw makeError(); } symlink(target, path) { throw makeError(); } readdir(path) { throw makeError(); } lstat(path) { throw makeError(); } stat(path) { throw makeError(); } pwd() { throw makeError(); } chdir(path) { throw makeError(); } extname(path) { throw makeError(); } copyFile(from, to) { throw makeError(); } moveFile(from, to) { throw makeError(); } ensureDir(path) { throw makeError(); } removeDeep(path) { throw makeError(); } isCaseSensitive() { throw makeError(); } resolve(...paths) { throw makeError(); } dirname(file) { throw makeError(); } join(basePath, ...paths) { throw makeError(); } isRoot(path) { throw makeError(); } isRooted(path) { throw makeError(); } relative(from, to) { throw makeError(); } basename(filePath, extension) { throw makeError(); } realpath(filePath) { throw makeError(); } getDefaultLibLocation() { throw makeError(); } normalize(path) { throw makeError(); } }; function makeError() { return new Error("FileSystem has not been configured. Please call `setFileSystem()` before calling this method."); } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/helpers.mjs var fs = new InvalidFileSystem(); function getFileSystem() { return fs; } function setFileSystem(fileSystem) { fs = fileSystem; } function absoluteFrom(path) { if (!fs.isRooted(path)) { throw new Error(`Internal Error: absoluteFrom(${path}): path is not absolute`); } return fs.resolve(path); } var ABSOLUTE_PATH = Symbol("AbsolutePath"); function absoluteFromSourceFile(sf) { const sfWithPatch = sf; if (sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH] === void 0) { sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH] = fs.resolve(sfWithPatch.fileName); } return sfWithPatch[ABSOLUTE_PATH]; } function relativeFrom(path) { const normalized = normalizeSeparators(path); if (fs.isRooted(normalized)) { throw new Error(`Internal Error: relativeFrom(${path}): path is not relative`); } return normalized; } function dirname(file) { return fs.dirname(file); } function join(basePath, ...paths) { return fs.join(basePath, ...paths); } function resolve(basePath, ...paths) { return fs.resolve(basePath, ...paths); } function isRoot(path) { return fs.isRoot(path); } function isRooted(path) { return fs.isRooted(path); } function relative(from, to) { return fs.relative(from, to); } function basename(filePath, extension) { return fs.basename(filePath, extension); } function isLocalRelativePath(relativePath) { return !isRooted(relativePath) && !relativePath.startsWith(".."); } function toRelativeImport(relativePath) { return isLocalRelativePath(relativePath) ? `./${relativePath}` : relativePath; } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/compiler_host.mjs import * as os from "os"; import ts from "typescript"; var NgtscCompilerHost = class { constructor(fs3, options = {}) { this.fs = fs3; this.options = options; } getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion) { const text = this.readFile(fileName); return text !== void 0 ? ts.createSourceFile(fileName, text, languageVersion, true) : void 0; } getDefaultLibFileName(options) { return this.fs.join(this.getDefaultLibLocation(), ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options)); } getDefaultLibLocation() { return this.fs.getDefaultLibLocation(); } writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) { const path = absoluteFrom(fileName); this.fs.ensureDir(this.fs.dirname(path)); this.fs.writeFile(path, data); } getCurrentDirectory() { return this.fs.pwd(); } getCanonicalFileName(fileName) { return this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase(); } useCaseSensitiveFileNames() { return this.fs.isCaseSensitive(); } getNewLine() { switch (this.options.newLine) { case ts.NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed: return "\r\n"; case ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed: return "\n"; default: return os.EOL; } } fileExists(fileName) { const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName); return this.fs.exists(absPath) && this.fs.stat(absPath).isFile(); } readFile(fileName) { const absPath = this.fs.resolve(fileName); if (!this.fileExists(absPath)) { return void 0; } return this.fs.readFile(absPath); } realpath(path) { return this.fs.realpath(this.fs.resolve(path)); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/logical.mjs var LogicalProjectPath = { relativePathBetween: function(from, to) { const relativePath = relative(dirname(resolve(from)), resolve(to)); return toRelativeImport(relativePath); } }; var LogicalFileSystem = class { constructor(rootDirs, compilerHost) { this.compilerHost = compilerHost; this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.rootDirs = rootDirs.concat([]).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length); this.canonicalRootDirs = => this.compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName(dir)); } logicalPathOfSf(sf) { return this.logicalPathOfFile(absoluteFromSourceFile(sf)); } logicalPathOfFile(physicalFile) { if (!this.cache.has(physicalFile)) { const canonicalFilePath = this.compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName(physicalFile); let logicalFile = null; for (let i = 0; i < this.rootDirs.length; i++) { const rootDir = this.rootDirs[i]; const canonicalRootDir = this.canonicalRootDirs[i]; if (isWithinBasePath(canonicalRootDir, canonicalFilePath)) { logicalFile = this.createLogicalProjectPath(physicalFile, rootDir); if (logicalFile.indexOf("/node_modules/") !== -1) { logicalFile = null; } else { break; } } } this.cache.set(physicalFile, logicalFile); } return this.cache.get(physicalFile); } createLogicalProjectPath(file, rootDir) { const logicalPath = stripExtension(file.slice(rootDir.length)); return logicalPath.startsWith("/") ? logicalPath : "/" + logicalPath; } }; function isWithinBasePath(base, path) { return isLocalRelativePath(relative(base, path)); } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system/src/node_js_file_system.mjs import fs2 from "fs"; import module from "module"; import * as p from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; var NodeJSPathManipulation = class { pwd() { return this.normalize(process.cwd()); } chdir(dir) { process.chdir(dir); } resolve(...paths) { return this.normalize(p.resolve(...paths)); } dirname(file) { return this.normalize(p.dirname(file)); } join(basePath, ...paths) { return this.normalize(p.join(basePath, ...paths)); } isRoot(path) { return this.dirname(path) === this.normalize(path); } isRooted(path) { return p.isAbsolute(path); } relative(from, to) { return this.normalize(p.relative(from, to)); } basename(filePath, extension) { return p.basename(filePath, extension); } extname(path) { return p.extname(path); } normalize(path) { return path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); } }; var isCommonJS = typeof __filename !== "undefined"; var currentFileUrl = isCommonJS ? null : import.meta.url; var currentFileName = isCommonJS ? __filename : fileURLToPath(currentFileUrl); var NodeJSReadonlyFileSystem = class extends NodeJSPathManipulation { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._caseSensitive = void 0; } isCaseSensitive() { if (this._caseSensitive === void 0) { this._caseSensitive = !fs2.existsSync(this.normalize(toggleCase(currentFileName))); } return this._caseSensitive; } exists(path) { return fs2.existsSync(path); } readFile(path) { return fs2.readFileSync(path, "utf8"); } readFileBuffer(path) { return fs2.readFileSync(path); } readdir(path) { return fs2.readdirSync(path); } lstat(path) { return fs2.lstatSync(path); } stat(path) { return fs2.statSync(path); } realpath(path) { return this.resolve(fs2.realpathSync(path)); } getDefaultLibLocation() { const requireFn = isCommonJS ? __require : module.createRequire(currentFileUrl); return this.resolve(requireFn.resolve("typescript"), ".."); } }; var NodeJSFileSystem = class extends NodeJSReadonlyFileSystem { writeFile(path, data, exclusive = false) { fs2.writeFileSync(path, data, exclusive ? { flag: "wx" } : void 0); } removeFile(path) { fs2.unlinkSync(path); } symlink(target, path) { fs2.symlinkSync(target, path); } copyFile(from, to) { fs2.copyFileSync(from, to); } moveFile(from, to) { fs2.renameSync(from, to); } ensureDir(path) { fs2.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true }); } removeDeep(path) { fs2.rmdirSync(path, { recursive: true }); } }; function toggleCase(str) { return str.replace(/\w/g, (ch) => ch.toUpperCase() === ch ? ch.toLowerCase() : ch.toUpperCase()); } export { stripExtension, getSourceFileOrError, getFileSystem, setFileSystem, absoluteFrom, absoluteFromSourceFile, relativeFrom, dirname, join, resolve, isRoot, isRooted, relative, basename, isLocalRelativePath, toRelativeImport, NgtscCompilerHost, LogicalProjectPath, LogicalFileSystem, NodeJSFileSystem }; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at */ //#