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329 lines
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# figures
> Unicode symbols with fallbacks for older terminals
[*and more...*](index.js)
Terminals such as Windows Console Host (and CMD) only support a [limited character set](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437).
## Install
npm install figures
## Usage
import figures, {replaceSymbols, mainSymbols, fallbackSymbols} from 'figures';
// On terminals with Unicode symbols: ✔︎
// On other terminals: √
// On all terminals: ✔︎
// On all terminals: √
console.log(figures.replaceSymbols('✔︎ check'));
// On terminals with Unicode symbols: ✔︎ check
// On other terminals: √ check
## API
### figures (default export)
Type: `object`
Symbols to use on any terminal.
### mainSymbols
Symbols to use when the terminal supports Unicode symbols.
### fallbackSymbols
Symbols to use when the terminal does not support Unicode symbols.
### replaceSymbols(string)
Returns the input with replaced fallback Unicode symbols on older terminals.
All the below [figures](#figures) are attached to the default export as shown in the example above.
#### string
Type: `string`
String where the Unicode symbols will be replaced with fallback symbols depending on the terminal.
## Figures
`Fallback` characters are only shown when they differ from the `Main` ones.
| Name | Main | Fallback |
| ------------------------------------------- | :--: | :------: |
| tick | `✔` | `√` |
| info | `ℹ` | `i` |
| warning | `⚠` | `‼` |
| cross | `✘` | `×` |
| square | `█` | |
| squareSmall | `◻` | `□` |
| squareSmallFilled | `◼` | `■` |
| squareDarkShade | `▓` | |
| squareMediumShade | `▒` | |
| squareLightShade | `░` | |
| squareTop | `▀` | |
| squareBottom | `▄` | |
| squareLeft | `▌` | |
| squareRight | `▐` | |
| squareCenter | `■` | |
| circle | `◯` | `( )` |
| circleFilled | `◉` | `(*)` |
| circleDotted | `◌` | `( )` |
| circleDouble | `◎` | `( )` |
| circleCircle | `ⓞ` | `(○)` |
| circleCross | `ⓧ` | `(×)` |
| circlePipe | `Ⓘ` | `(│)` |
| circleQuestionMark | `?⃝ ` | `(?)` |
| radioOn | `◉` | `(*)` |
| radioOff | `◯` | `( )` |
| checkboxOn | `☒` | `[×]` |
| checkboxOff | `☐` | `[ ]` |
| checkboxCircleOn | `ⓧ` | `(×)` |
| checkboxCircleOff | `Ⓘ` | `( )` |
| questionMarkPrefix | `?⃝ ` | `?` |
| bullet | `●` | |
| dot | `․` | |
| ellipsis | `…` | |
| pointer | `❯` | `>` |
| pointerSmall | `›` | `›` |
| triangleUp | `▲` | |
| triangleUpSmall | `▴` | |
| triangleUpOutline | `△` | `∆` |
| triangleDown | `▼` | |
| triangleDownSmall | `▾` | |
| triangleLeft | `◀` | `◄` |
| triangleLeftSmall | `◂` | |
| triangleRight | `▶` | `►` |
| triangleRightSmall | `▸` | |
| lozenge | `◆` | `♦` |
| lozengeOutline | `◇` | `◊` |
| home | `⌂` | |
| hamburger | `☰` | `≡` |
| smiley | `㋡` | `☺` |
| mustache | `෴` | `┌─┐` |
| heart | `♥` | |
| star | `★` | `✶` |
| play | `▶` | `►` |
| musicNote | `♪` | |
| musicNoteBeamed | `♫` | |
| nodejs | `⬢` | `♦` |
| arrowUp | `↑` | |
| arrowDown | `↓` | |
| arrowLeft | `←` | |
| arrowRight | `→` | |
| arrowLeftRight | `↔` | |
| arrowUpDown | `↕` | |
| almostEqual | `≈` | |
| notEqual | `≠` | |
| lessOrEqual | `≤` | |
| greaterOrEqual | `≥` | |
| identical | `≡` | |
| infinity | `∞` | |
| subscriptZero | `₀` | |
| subscriptOne | `₁` | |
| subscriptTwo | `₂` | |
| subscriptThree | `₃` | |
| subscriptFour | `₄` | |
| subscriptFive | `₅` | |
| subscriptSix | `₆` | |
| subscriptSeven | `₇` | |
| subscriptEight | `₈` | |
| subscriptNine | `₉` | |
| oneHalf | `½` | |
| oneThird | `⅓` | |
| oneQuarter | `¼` | |
| oneFifth | `⅕` | |
| oneSixth | `⅙` | |
| oneSeventh | `⅐` | `1/7` |
| oneEighth | `⅛` | |
| oneNinth | `⅑` | `1/9` |
| oneTenth | `⅒` | `1/10` |
| twoThirds | `⅔` | |
| twoFifths | `⅖` | |
| threeQuarters | `¾` | |
| threeFifths | `⅗` | |
| threeEighths | `⅜` | |
| fourFifths | `⅘` | |
| fiveSixths | `⅚` | |
| fiveEighths | `⅝` | |
| sevenEighths | `⅞` | |
| line | `─` | |
| lineBold | `━` | |
| lineDouble | `═` | |
| lineDashed0 | `┄` | |
| lineDashed1 | `┅` | |
| lineDashed2 | `┈` | |
| lineDashed3 | `┉` | |
| lineDashed4 | `╌` | |
| lineDashed5 | `╍` | |
| lineDashed6 | `╴` | |
| lineDashed7 | `╶` | |
| lineDashed8 | `╸` | |
| lineDashed9 | `╺` | |
| lineDashed10 | `╼` | |
| lineDashed11 | `╾` | |
| lineDashed12 | `−` | |
| lineDashed13 | `–` | |
| lineDashed14 | `‐` | |
| lineDashed15 | `⁃` | |
| lineVertical | `│` | |
| lineVerticalBold | `┃` | |
| lineVerticalDouble | `║` | |
| lineVerticalDashed0 | `┆` | |
| lineVerticalDashed1 | `┇` | |
| lineVerticalDashed2 | `┊` | |
| lineVerticalDashed3 | `┋` | |
| lineVerticalDashed4 | `╎` | |
| lineVerticalDashed5 | `╏` | |
| lineVerticalDashed6 | `╵` | |
| lineVerticalDashed7 | `╷` | |
| lineVerticalDashed8 | `╹` | |
| lineVerticalDashed9 | `╻` | |
| lineVerticalDashed10 | `╽` | |
| lineVerticalDashed11 | `╿` | |
| lineDownLeft | `┐` | |
| lineDownLeftArc | `╮` | |
| lineDownBoldLeftBold | `┓` | |
| lineDownBoldLeft | `┒` | |
| lineDownLeftBold | `┑` | |
| lineDownDoubleLeftDouble | `╗` | |
| lineDownDoubleLeft | `╖` | |
| lineDownLeftDouble | `╕` | |
| lineDownRight | `┌` | |
| lineDownRightArc | `╭` | |
| lineDownBoldRightBold | `┏` | |
| lineDownBoldRight | `┎` | |
| lineDownRightBold | `┍` | |
| lineDownDoubleRightDouble | `╔` | |
| lineDownDoubleRight | `╓` | |
| lineDownRightDouble | `╒` | |
| lineUpLeft | `┘` | |
| lineUpLeftArc | `╯` | |
| lineUpBoldLeftBold | `┛` | |
| lineUpBoldLeft | `┚` | |
| lineUpLeftBold | `┙` | |
| lineUpDoubleLeftDouble | `╝` | |
| lineUpDoubleLeft | `╜` | |
| lineUpLeftDouble | `╛` | |
| lineUpRight | `└` | |
| lineUpRightArc | `╰` | |
| lineUpBoldRightBold | `┗` | |
| lineUpBoldRight | `┖` | |
| lineUpRightBold | `┕` | |
| lineUpDoubleRightDouble | `╚` | |
| lineUpDoubleRight | `╙` | |
| lineUpRightDouble | `╘` | |
| lineUpDownLeft | `┤` | |
| lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBold | `┫` | |
| lineUpBoldDownBoldLeft | `┨` | |
| lineUpDownLeftBold | `┥` | |
| lineUpBoldDownLeftBold | `┩` | |
| lineUpDownBoldLeftBold | `┪` | |
| lineUpDownBoldLeft | `┧` | |
| lineUpBoldDownLeft | `┦` | |
| lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDouble | `╣` | |
| lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeft | `╢` | |
| lineUpDownLeftDouble | `╡` | |
| lineUpDownRight | `├` | |
| lineUpBoldDownBoldRightBold | `┣` | |
| lineUpBoldDownBoldRight | `┠` | |
| lineUpDownRightBold | `┝` | |
| lineUpBoldDownRightBold | `┡` | |
| lineUpDownBoldRightBold | `┢` | |
| lineUpDownBoldRight | `┟` | |
| lineUpBoldDownRight | `┞` | |
| lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRightDouble | `╠` | |
| lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRight | `╟` | |
| lineUpDownRightDouble | `╞` | |
| lineDownLeftRight | `┬` | |
| lineDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | `┳` | |
| lineDownLeftBoldRightBold | `┯` | |
| lineDownBoldLeftRight | `┰` | |
| lineDownBoldLeftBoldRight | `┱` | |
| lineDownBoldLeftRightBold | `┲` | |
| lineDownLeftRightBold | `┮` | |
| lineDownLeftBoldRight | `┭` | |
| lineDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | `╦` | |
| lineDownDoubleLeftRight | `╥` | |
| lineDownLeftDoubleRightDouble | `╤` | |
| lineUpLeftRight | `┴` | |
| lineUpBoldLeftBoldRightBold | `┻` | |
| lineUpLeftBoldRightBold | `┷` | |
| lineUpBoldLeftRight | `┸` | |
| lineUpBoldLeftBoldRight | `┹` | |
| lineUpBoldLeftRightBold | `┺` | |
| lineUpLeftRightBold | `┶` | |
| lineUpLeftBoldRight | `┵` | |
| lineUpDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | `╩` | |
| lineUpDoubleLeftRight | `╨` | |
| lineUpLeftDoubleRightDouble | `╧` | |
| lineUpDownLeftRight | `┼` | |
| lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | `╋` | |
| lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold | `╈` | |
| lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRightBold | `╇` | |
| lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRightBold | `╊` | |
| lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRight | `╉` | |
| lineUpBoldDownLeftRight | `╀` | |
| lineUpDownBoldLeftRight | `╁` | |
| lineUpDownLeftBoldRight | `┽` | |
| lineUpDownLeftRightBold | `┾` | |
| lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRight | `╂` | |
| lineUpDownLeftBoldRightBold | `┿` | |
| lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRight | `╃` | |
| lineUpBoldDownLeftRightBold | `╄` | |
| lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRight | `╅` | |
| lineUpDownBoldLeftRightBold | `╆` | |
| lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble | `╬` | |
| lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftRight | `╫` | |
| lineUpDownLeftDoubleRightDouble | `╪` | |
| lineCross | `╳` | |
| lineBackslash | `╲` | |
| lineSlash | `╱` | |
## Other characters
If you cannot find the character you're looking for in the table above, please look at this full list of [cross-platform terminal characters](https://github.com/ehmicky/cross-platform-terminal-characters).
## Unsupported terminals
The following terminals are not officially supported:
- xterm
- Linux Terminal (kernel)
- cmder
They can display most but not all of the symbols listed above.
## Related
- [log-symbols](https://github.com/sindresorhus/log-symbols) - Colored symbols for various log levels
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