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2024-01-19 10:09:11 +00:00
const { readFile, lstat, readdir } = require('fs/promises')
const parse = require('json-parse-even-better-errors')
const normalizePackageBin = require('npm-normalize-package-bin')
const { resolve, dirname, join, relative } = require('path')
const rpj = path => readFile(path, 'utf8')
.then(data => readBinDir(path, normalize(stripUnderscores(parse(data)))))
.catch(er => {
er.path = path
throw er
// load the directories.bin folder as a 'bin' object
const readBinDir = async (path, data) => {
if (data.bin) {
return data
const m = data.directories && data.directories.bin
if (!m || typeof m !== 'string') {
return data
// cut off any monkey business, like setting directories.bin
// to ../../../etc/passwd or /etc/passwd or something like that.
const root = dirname(path)
const dir = join('.', join('/', m))
data.bin = await walkBinDir(root, dir, {})
return data
const walkBinDir = async (root, dir, obj) => {
const entries = await readdir(resolve(root, dir)).catch(() => [])
for (const entry of entries) {
if (entry.charAt(0) === '.') {
const f = resolve(root, dir, entry)
// ignore stat errors, weird file types, symlinks, etc.
const st = await lstat(f).catch(() => null)
if (!st) {
} else if (st.isFile()) {
obj[entry] = relative(root, f)
} else if (st.isDirectory()) {
await walkBinDir(root, join(dir, entry), obj)
return obj
// do not preserve _fields set in files, they are sus
const stripUnderscores = data => {
for (const key of Object.keys(data).filter(k => /^_/.test(k))) {
delete data[key]
return data
const normalize = data => {
return data
rpj.normalize = normalize
const addId = data => {
if ( && data.version) {
data._id = `${}@${data.version}`
return data
// it was once common practice to list deps both in optionalDependencies
// and in dependencies, to support npm versions that did not know abbout
// optionalDependencies. This is no longer a relevant need, so duplicating
// the deps in two places is unnecessary and excessive.
const pruneRepeatedOptionals = data => {
const od = data.optionalDependencies
const dd = data.dependencies || {}
if (od && typeof od === 'object') {
for (const name of Object.keys(od)) {
delete dd[name]
if (Object.keys(dd).length === 0) {
delete data.dependencies
return data
const fixBundled = data => {
const bdd = data.bundledDependencies
const bd = data.bundleDependencies === undefined ? bdd
: data.bundleDependencies
if (bd === false) {
data.bundleDependencies = []
} else if (bd === true) {
data.bundleDependencies = Object.keys(data.dependencies || {})
} else if (bd && typeof bd === 'object') {
if (!Array.isArray(bd)) {
data.bundleDependencies = Object.keys(bd)
} else {
data.bundleDependencies = bd
} else {
delete data.bundleDependencies
delete data.bundledDependencies
return data
const fixScripts = data => {
if (!data.scripts || typeof data.scripts !== 'object') {
delete data.scripts
return data
for (const [name, script] of Object.entries(data.scripts)) {
if (typeof script !== 'string') {
delete data.scripts[name]
return data
const fixFunding = data => {
if (data.funding && typeof data.funding === 'string') {
data.funding = { url: data.funding }
return data
module.exports = rpj