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2024-01-19 10:09:11 +00:00
import Piscina from '..';
import { test } from 'tap';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { Task, TaskQueue } from '../dist/src/common';
test('will put items into a task queue until they can run', async ({ equal }) => {
const pool = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/wait-for-notify.ts'),
minThreads: 2,
maxThreads: 3
equal(pool.threads.length, 2);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
const buffers = [
new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)),
new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)),
new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)),
new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4))
const results = [];
equal(pool.threads.length, 2);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
equal(pool.threads.length, 2);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
equal(pool.threads.length, 3);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
equal(pool.threads.length, 3);
equal(pool.queueSize, 1);
for (const buffer of buffers) {, 0, 1);
Atomics.notify(buffer, 0, 1);
await results[0];
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
await Promise.all(results);
test('will reject items over task queue limit', async ({ equal, rejects }) => {
const pool = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js'),
minThreads: 0,
maxThreads: 1,
maxQueue: 2
equal(pool.threads.length, 0);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
rejects(pool.runTask('while (true) {}'), /Terminating worker thread/);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
rejects(pool.runTask('while (true) {}'), /Terminating worker thread/);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 1);
rejects(pool.runTask('while (true) {}'), /Terminating worker thread/);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 2);
rejects(pool.runTask('while (true) {}'), /Task queue is at limit/);
await pool.destroy();
test('will reject items when task queue is unavailable', async ({ equal, rejects }) => {
const pool = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js'),
minThreads: 0,
maxThreads: 1,
maxQueue: 0
equal(pool.threads.length, 0);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
rejects(pool.runTask('while (true) {}'), /Terminating worker thread/);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
rejects(pool.runTask('while (true) {}'), /No task queue available and all Workers are busy/);
await pool.destroy();
test('will reject items when task queue is unavailable (fixed thread count)', async ({ equal, rejects }) => {
const pool = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js'),
minThreads: 1,
maxThreads: 1,
maxQueue: 0
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
rejects(pool.runTask('while (true) {}'), /Terminating worker thread/);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
rejects(pool.runTask('while (true) {}'), /No task queue available and all Workers are busy/);
await pool.destroy();
test('tasks can share a Worker if requested (both tests blocking)', async ({ equal, rejects }) => {
const pool = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/wait-for-notify.ts'),
minThreads: 0,
maxThreads: 1,
maxQueue: 0,
concurrentTasksPerWorker: 2
equal(pool.threads.length, 0);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
rejects(pool.runTask(new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4))));
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
rejects(pool.runTask(new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4))));
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
await pool.destroy();
test('tasks can share a Worker if requested (one test finishes)', async ({ equal, rejects }) => {
const pool = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/wait-for-notify.ts'),
minThreads: 0,
maxThreads: 1,
maxQueue: 0,
concurrentTasksPerWorker: 2
const buffers = [
new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)),
new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4))
equal(pool.threads.length, 0);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
const firstTask = pool.runTask(buffers[0]);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
'new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000000))',
resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')), /Terminating worker thread/);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);[0], 0, 1);
Atomics.notify(buffers[0], 0, 1);
await firstTask;
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
await pool.destroy();
test('tasks can share a Worker if requested (both tests finish)', async ({ equal }) => {
const pool = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/wait-for-notify.ts'),
minThreads: 1,
maxThreads: 1,
maxQueue: 0,
concurrentTasksPerWorker: 2
const buffers = [
new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)),
new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4))
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
const firstTask = pool.runTask(buffers[0]);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
const secondTask = pool.runTask(buffers[1]);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);[0], 0, 1);[1], 0, 1);
Atomics.notify(buffers[0], 0, 1);
Atomics.notify(buffers[1], 0, 1);
Atomics.wait(buffers[0], 0, 1);
Atomics.wait(buffers[1], 0, 1);
await firstTask;
equal(buffers[0][0], -1);
await secondTask;
equal(buffers[1][0], -1);
equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
equal(pool.queueSize, 0);
test('custom task queue works', async ({ equal, ok }) => {
let sizeCalled : boolean = false;
let shiftCalled : boolean = false;
let pushCalled : boolean = false;
class CustomTaskPool implements TaskQueue {
tasks: Task[] = [];
get size () : number {
sizeCalled = true;
return this.tasks.length;
shift () : Task | null {
shiftCalled = true;
return this.tasks.length > 0 ? this.tasks.shift() as Task : null;
push (task : Task) : void {
pushCalled = true;
ok(Piscina.queueOptionsSymbol in task);
if ((task as any).task.a === 3) {
equal(task[Piscina.queueOptionsSymbol], null);
} else {
(task as any).task.a);
remove (task : Task) : void {
const index = this.tasks.indexOf(task);
this.tasks.splice(index, 1);
const pool = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js'),
taskQueue: new CustomTaskPool(),
// Setting maxThreads low enough to ensure we queue
maxThreads: 1,
minThreads: 1
function makeTask (task, option) {
return { ...task, [Piscina.queueOptionsSymbol]: { option } };
const ret = await Promise.all([
pool.runTask(makeTask({ a: 1 }, 1)),
pool.runTask(makeTask({ a: 2 }, 2)),
pool.runTask({ a: 3 }) // No queueOptionsSymbol attached
equal(ret[0].a, 1);
equal(ret[1].a, 2);
equal(ret[2].a, 3);