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2024-01-19 10:09:11 +00:00
"use strict";
var __values = (this && this.__values) || function(o) {
var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
if (m) return;
if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
next: function () {
if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.LicenseTextReader = void 0;
var LicenseTextReader = /** @class */ (function () {
function LicenseTextReader(logger, fileSystem, fileOverrides, textOverrides, templateDir, handleMissingLicenseText) {
this.logger = logger;
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
this.fileOverrides = fileOverrides;
this.textOverrides = textOverrides;
this.templateDir = templateDir;
this.handleMissingLicenseText = handleMissingLicenseText;
LicenseTextReader.prototype.readLicense = function (compilation, module, licenseType) {
if (this.textOverrides[]) {
return this.textOverrides[];
if (this.fileOverrides[]) {
return this.readText(, this.fileOverrides[]);
if (licenseType && licenseType.indexOf('SEE LICENSE IN ') === 0) {
var filename = licenseType.split(' ')[3];
return this.fileSystem.isFileInDirectory(filename,
? this.readText(, filename)
: null;
var pathsInModuleDirectory = this.fileSystem.listPaths(;
var guessedLicenseFilename = this.guessLicenseFilename(pathsInModuleDirectory,;
if (guessedLicenseFilename !== null) {
return this.readText(, guessedLicenseFilename);
if (this.templateDir) {
var templateFilename = licenseType + ".txt";
var templateFilePath = this.fileSystem.join(this.templateDir, templateFilename);
if (this.fileSystem.isFileInDirectory(templateFilePath, this.templateDir)) {
return this.fileSystem
.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
this.logger.warn(compilation, "could not find any license file for " + + ". Use the licenseTextOverrides option to add the license text if desired.");
return this.handleMissingLicenseText(, licenseType);
LicenseTextReader.prototype.readText = function (directory, filename) {
return this.fileSystem
.readFileAsUtf8(this.fileSystem.join(directory, filename))
.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
LicenseTextReader.prototype.guessLicenseFilename = function (paths, modulePath) {
var e_1, _a;
try {
for (var paths_1 = __values(paths), paths_1_1 =; !paths_1_1.done; paths_1_1 = {
var path = paths_1_1.value;
var filePath = this.fileSystem.join(modulePath, path);
if (/^licen[cs]e/i.test(path) && !this.fileSystem.isDirectory(filePath)) {
return path;
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (paths_1_1 && !paths_1_1.done && (_a = paths_1.return));
finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
return null;
return LicenseTextReader;
exports.LicenseTextReader = LicenseTextReader;