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# Documentation
## Basic Setup
Below is an example of how to add the plugin to a webpack config:
const LicenseWebpackPlugin = require('license-webpack-plugin').LicenseWebpackPlugin;
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new LicenseWebpackPlugin()
## Configuration
* **`stats`** - toggle warnings and errors on/off (default: report warnings and errors)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
stats: {
warnings: true,
errors: true
* **`licenseInclusionTest`** - filter which licenses get included in the report (default: capture all licenses)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
licenseInclusionTest: (licenseType) => (licenseType === 'MIT')
Notes: All license identifiers in npm packages are supposed to follow SPDX format. If your requirements are very specific, it is recommended to set up this option using the [`spdx-satisfies`]( package. The plugin does not provide the `spdx-satisfies` package, so you must install it separately if you want to use it.
Example using `spdx-satisfies`:
const satisfies = require('spdx-satisfies');
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
licenseInclusionTest: (licenseType) => satisfies(licenseType, '(ISC OR MIT)')
* **`outputFilename`** - customize the license report filename (default: `'[name].licenses.txt'`)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
outputFilename: '[name].[hash].licenses.txt'
* **`unacceptableLicenseTest`** - error out on unacceptable license (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
unacceptableLicenseTest: (licenseType) => (licenseType === 'GPL')
* **`handleUnacceptableLicense`** - do something when an unacceptable license is found (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
unacceptableLicenseTest: (licenseType) => (licenseType === 'GPL'),
handleUnacceptableLicense: (packageName, licenseType) => {
// do something here
* **`excludedPackageTest`** - exclude packages (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
excludedPackageTest: (packageName) => packageName === 'excluded-package'
* **`perChunkOutput`** - control whether or not the license files are generated per chunk or are combined into one file (default: `true`)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
perChunkOutput: false // combine all license information into one file
* **`addBanner`** - write a banner to the top of each js file (default: `false`)
⚠️ **Webpack V5 Users**: Please read the notes on the `renderBanner` option as some special configuration is required when using banners on webpack v5.
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
addBanner: true
* **`licenseTypeOverrides`** - override the license type for specific packages (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
licenseTypeOverrides: {
foopkg: 'MIT'
* **`licenseTextOverrides`** - override the license text for specific packages (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
licenseTextOverrides: {
foopkg: 'License text for foopkg'
* **`licenseFileOverrides`** - override the license filename for specific packages (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
licenseFileOverrides: {
foopkg: 'The-License.txt'
Notes: The license filename is resolved relative to the package directory.
* **`renderLicenses`** - change the format / contents of the generated license file (default: print package name, license type, and license text)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
renderLicenses: (modules) => {
console.log(modules[0].packageJson, modules[0].licenseId, modules[0].licenseText);
return JSON.stringify(modules);
* **`renderBanner`** - change the format / contents of the banner written to the top of each js file (default: print message indicating license filename)
⚠️ **Webpack V5 Users**: The `modules` parameter to `renderBanner` will be empty in webpack v5 due to technical limitations. In addition, TerserPlugin (which is automatically enabled on production builds to minify code and extract licenses) will interfere with the banner. In order to turn off the license handling feature of TerserPlugin, it needs to be reconfigured in webpack configuration like this:
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
optimization: {
minimize: true,
minimizer: [
new TerserPlugin({
extractComments: false, // prevents TerserPlugin from extracting a [chunkName].js.LICENSE.txt file
terserOptions: {
format: {
// Tell terser to remove all comments except for the banner added via LicenseWebpackPlugin.
// This can be customized further to allow other types of comments to show up in the final js file as well.
// See the terser documentation for format.comments options for more details.
comments: (astNode, comment) => (comment.value.startsWith('! licenses are at '))
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
addBanner: true,
renderBanner: (filename, modules) => {
return '/*! licenses are at ' + filename + '*/';
* **`handleMissingLicenseText`** - do something when license text is missing from a package (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
handleMissingLicenseText: (packageName, licenseType) => {
console.log('Cannot find license for ' + packageName);
return 'UNKNOWN';
Notes: You can return your own license text from this function, but you should prefer using `licenseTextOverrides` first.
* **`licenseTemplateDir`** - use fallback license files for when a package is missing a license file (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
licenseTemplateDir: path.resolve(__dirname, 'licenseTemplates')
Notes: This option specifies a directory containing `.txt` files containing the license text based on the license type. (e.g. `MIT.txt`). Templates can be found [here](
* **`chunkIncludeExcludeTest`** - control which chunks gets processed by the plugin (default: all chunks get processed)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
chunkIncludeExcludeTest: {
exclude: ['foo'],
include: ['bar']
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
chunkIncludeExcludeTest: (chunkName) => chunkName.startsWith('abc')
Notes: If there is a duplicate entry in both the `exclude` and `include` array, the duplicated entry will be excluded.
* **`modulesDirectories`** - limit which directories get scanned for license files (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
modulesDirectories: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules')
* **`additionalChunkModules`** - add additional node modules to a chunk (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
additionalChunkModules: {
main: [
name: 'somepkg',
directory: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'somepkg')
* **`additionalModules`** - add additional node modules to the scan (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
additionalModules: [
name: 'somepkg',
directory: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'somepkg')
* **`preferredLicenseTypes`** - help the plugin decide which license type to pick in case a package specifies multiple licenses (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
preferredLicenseTypes: ['MIT', 'ISC']
* **`handleLicenseAmbiguity`** - do something when the plugin finds ambiguous license types (default: pick first license type)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
handleLicenseAmbiguity: (packageName, licenses) => {
return licenses[0].type;
Notes: This function is called whenever a license type could not be determined when a package uses the deprecated `licenses` field (which is an array of license types) in its package.json. It should return the license type to use. By default, the plugin prints a warning message to the console and chooses the first license type. You should use the `preferredLicenseTypes` option instead of this one.
* **`handleMissingLicenseType`** - do something when a package is missing a license type (default: disabled)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
handleMissingLicenseType: (packageName) => {
return null;
Notes: You can return a license type from this function, but it is a better idea to use the `licenseTypeOverrides` option.
* **`skipChildCompilers`** - do not apply the plugin to child webpack compilers (default: applies to child compilers too)
new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
skipChildCompilers: true