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2024-01-19 10:09:11 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* Cursor is expected to be required in a node or other CommonJS context:
* var Cursor = require('immutable/contrib/cursor');
* If you wish to use it in the browser, please check out Browserify or WebPack!
var Immutable = require('../../');
var Iterable = Immutable.Iterable;
var Iterator = Iterable.Iterator;
var Seq = Immutable.Seq;
var Map = Immutable.Map;
var Record = Immutable.Record;
function cursorFrom(rootData, keyPath, onChange) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
keyPath = [];
} else if (typeof keyPath === 'function') {
onChange = keyPath;
keyPath = [];
} else {
keyPath = valToKeyPath(keyPath);
return makeCursor(rootData, keyPath, onChange);
var KeyedCursorPrototype = Object.create(Seq.Keyed.prototype);
var IndexedCursorPrototype = Object.create(Seq.Indexed.prototype);
function KeyedCursor(rootData, keyPath, onChange, size) {
this.size = size;
this._rootData = rootData;
this._keyPath = keyPath;
this._onChange = onChange;
KeyedCursorPrototype.constructor = KeyedCursor;
function IndexedCursor(rootData, keyPath, onChange, size) {
this.size = size;
this._rootData = rootData;
this._keyPath = keyPath;
this._onChange = onChange;
IndexedCursorPrototype.constructor = IndexedCursor;
KeyedCursorPrototype.toString = function() {
return this.__toString('Cursor {', '}');
IndexedCursorPrototype.toString = function() {
return this.__toString('Cursor [', ']');
KeyedCursorPrototype.deref =
KeyedCursorPrototype.valueOf =
IndexedCursorPrototype.deref =
IndexedCursorPrototype.valueOf = function(notSetValue) {
return this._rootData.getIn(this._keyPath, notSetValue);
KeyedCursorPrototype.get =
IndexedCursorPrototype.get = function(key, notSetValue) {
return this.getIn([key], notSetValue);
KeyedCursorPrototype.getIn =
IndexedCursorPrototype.getIn = function(keyPath, notSetValue) {
keyPath = listToKeyPath(keyPath);
if (keyPath.length === 0) {
return this;
var value = this._rootData.getIn(newKeyPath(this._keyPath, keyPath), NOT_SET);
return value === NOT_SET ? notSetValue : wrappedValue(this, keyPath, value);
IndexedCursorPrototype.set =
KeyedCursorPrototype.set = function(key, value) {
if(arguments.length === 1) {
return updateCursor(this, function() { return key; }, []);
} else {
return updateCursor(this, function (m) { return m.set(key, value); }, [key]);
IndexedCursorPrototype.push = function(/* values */) {
var args = arguments;
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.push.apply(m, args);
IndexedCursorPrototype.pop = function() {
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.pop();
IndexedCursorPrototype.unshift = function(/* values */) {
var args = arguments;
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.unshift.apply(m, args);
IndexedCursorPrototype.shift = function() {
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.shift();
IndexedCursorPrototype.setIn =
KeyedCursorPrototype.setIn = Map.prototype.setIn;
KeyedCursorPrototype.remove =
KeyedCursorPrototype['delete'] =
IndexedCursorPrototype.remove =
IndexedCursorPrototype['delete'] = function(key) {
return updateCursor(this, function (m) { return m.remove(key); }, [key]);
IndexedCursorPrototype.removeIn =
IndexedCursorPrototype.deleteIn =
KeyedCursorPrototype.removeIn =
KeyedCursorPrototype.deleteIn = Map.prototype.deleteIn;
KeyedCursorPrototype.clear =
IndexedCursorPrototype.clear = function() {
return updateCursor(this, function (m) { return m.clear(); });
IndexedCursorPrototype.update =
KeyedCursorPrototype.update = function(keyOrFn, notSetValue, updater) {
return arguments.length === 1 ?
updateCursor(this, keyOrFn) :
this.updateIn([keyOrFn], notSetValue, updater);
IndexedCursorPrototype.updateIn =
KeyedCursorPrototype.updateIn = function(keyPath, notSetValue, updater) {
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.updateIn(keyPath, notSetValue, updater);
}, keyPath);
IndexedCursorPrototype.merge =
KeyedCursorPrototype.merge = function(/*...iters*/) {
var args = arguments;
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.merge.apply(m, args);
IndexedCursorPrototype.mergeWith =
KeyedCursorPrototype.mergeWith = function(merger/*, ...iters*/) {
var args = arguments;
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.mergeWith.apply(m, args);
IndexedCursorPrototype.mergeIn =
KeyedCursorPrototype.mergeIn = Map.prototype.mergeIn;
IndexedCursorPrototype.mergeDeep =
KeyedCursorPrototype.mergeDeep = function(/*...iters*/) {
var args = arguments;
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.mergeDeep.apply(m, args);
IndexedCursorPrototype.mergeDeepWith =
KeyedCursorPrototype.mergeDeepWith = function(merger/*, ...iters*/) {
var args = arguments;
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return m.mergeDeepWith.apply(m, args);
IndexedCursorPrototype.mergeDeepIn =
KeyedCursorPrototype.mergeDeepIn = Map.prototype.mergeDeepIn;
KeyedCursorPrototype.withMutations =
IndexedCursorPrototype.withMutations = function(fn) {
return updateCursor(this, function (m) {
return (m || Map()).withMutations(fn);
KeyedCursorPrototype.cursor =
IndexedCursorPrototype.cursor = function(subKeyPath) {
subKeyPath = valToKeyPath(subKeyPath);
return subKeyPath.length === 0 ? this : subCursor(this, subKeyPath);
* All iterables need to implement __iterate
KeyedCursorPrototype.__iterate =
IndexedCursorPrototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {
var cursor = this;
var deref = cursor.deref();
return deref && deref.__iterate ? deref.__iterate(
function (v, k) { return fn(wrappedValue(cursor, [k], v), k, cursor); },
) : 0;
* All iterables need to implement __iterator
KeyedCursorPrototype.__iterator =
IndexedCursorPrototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) {
var deref = this.deref();
var cursor = this;
var iterator = deref && deref.__iterator &&
deref.__iterator(Iterator.ENTRIES, reverse);
return new Iterator(function () {
if (!iterator) {
return { value: undefined, done: true };
var step =;
if (step.done) {
return step;
var entry = step.value;
var k = entry[0];
var v = wrappedValue(cursor, [k], entry[1]);
return {
value: type === Iterator.KEYS ? k : type === Iterator.VALUES ? v : [k, v],
done: false
KeyedCursor.prototype = KeyedCursorPrototype;
IndexedCursor.prototype = IndexedCursorPrototype;
var NOT_SET = {}; // Sentinel value
function makeCursor(rootData, keyPath, onChange, value) {
if (arguments.length < 4) {
value = rootData.getIn(keyPath);
var size = value && value.size;
var CursorClass = Iterable.isIndexed(value) ? IndexedCursor : KeyedCursor;
var cursor = new CursorClass(rootData, keyPath, onChange, size);
if (value instanceof Record) {
defineRecordProperties(cursor, value);
return cursor;
function defineRecordProperties(cursor, value) {
try {
value._keys.forEach(setProp.bind(undefined, cursor));
} catch (error) {
// Object.defineProperty failed. Probably IE8.
function setProp(prototype, name) {
Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, {
get: function() {
return this.get(name);
set: function(value) {
if (!this.__ownerID) {
throw new Error('Cannot set on an immutable record.');
function wrappedValue(cursor, keyPath, value) {
return Iterable.isIterable(value) ? subCursor(cursor, keyPath, value) : value;
function subCursor(cursor, keyPath, value) {
if (arguments.length < 3) {
return makeCursor( // call without value
newKeyPath(cursor._keyPath, keyPath),
return makeCursor(
newKeyPath(cursor._keyPath, keyPath),
function updateCursor(cursor, changeFn, changeKeyPath) {
var deepChange = arguments.length > 2;
var newRootData = cursor._rootData.updateIn(
deepChange ? Map() : undefined,
var keyPath = cursor._keyPath || [];
var result = cursor._onChange &&
deepChange ? newKeyPath(keyPath, changeKeyPath) : keyPath
if (result !== undefined) {
newRootData = result;
return makeCursor(newRootData, cursor._keyPath, cursor._onChange);
function newKeyPath(head, tail) {
return head.concat(listToKeyPath(tail));
function listToKeyPath(list) {
return Array.isArray(list) ? list : Immutable.Iterable(list).toArray();
function valToKeyPath(val) {
return Array.isArray(val) ? val :
Iterable.isIterable(val) ? val.toArray() :
exports.from = cursorFrom;