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2024-01-19 10:09:11 +00:00
* A packed-value, sparse array context used for storing 64 bit signed values.
* An array context is optimised for tracking sparsely set (as in mostly zeros) values that tend to not make
* use pof the full 64 bit value range even when they are non-zero. The array context's internal representation
* is such that the packed value at each virtual array index may be represented by 0-8 bytes of actual storage.
* An array context encodes the packed values in 8 "set trees" with each set tree representing one byte of the
* packed value at the virtual index in question. The {@link #getPackedIndex(int, int, boolean)} method is used
* to look up the byte-index corresponding to the given (set tree) value byte of the given virtual index, and can
* be used to add entries to represent that byte as needed. As a succesful {@link #getPackedIndex(int, int, boolean)}
* may require a resizing of the array, it can throw a {@link ResizeException} to indicate that the requested
* packed index cannot be found or added without a resize of the physical storage.
export declare class PackedArrayContext {
readonly isPacked: boolean;
physicalLength: number;
private array;
private byteArray;
private shortArray;
private longArray;
private populatedShortLength;
private virtualLength;
private topLevelShift;
constructor(virtualLength: number, initialPhysicalLength: number);
private initArrayViews;
private init;
clear(): void;
copyAndIncreaseSize(newPhysicalArrayLength: number, newVirtualArrayLength: number): PackedArrayContext;
getPopulatedShortLength(): number;
getPopulatedLongLength(): number;
setAtByteIndex(byteIndex: number, value: number): void;
getAtByteIndex(byteIndex: number): number;
* add a byte value to a current byte value in the array
* @param byteIndex index of byte value to add to
* @param valueToAdd byte value to add
* @return the afterAddValue. ((afterAddValue & 0x100) != 0) indicates a carry.
addAtByteIndex(byteIndex: number, valueToAdd: number): number;
setPopulatedLongLength(newPopulatedLongLength: number): void;
getVirtualLength(): number;
length(): number;
setAtShortIndex(shortIndex: number, value: number): void;
setAtLongIndex(longIndex: number, value: number): void;
getAtShortIndex(shortIndex: number): number;
getIndexAtShortIndex(shortIndex: number): number;
setPackedSlotIndicators(entryIndex: number, newPackedSlotIndicators: number): void;
getPackedSlotIndicators(entryIndex: number): number;
private getIndexAtEntrySlot;
setIndexAtEntrySlot(entryIndex: number, slot: number, newIndexValue: number): void;
private expandArrayIfNeeded;
private newEntry;
private newLeafEntry;
* Consolidate entry with previous entry verison if one exists
* @param entryIndex The shortIndex of the entry to be consolidated
* @param previousVersionIndex the index of the previous version of the entry
private consolidateEntry;
* Expand entry as indicated.
* @param existingEntryIndex the index of the entry
* @param entryPointerIndex index to the slot pointing to the entry (needs to be fixed up)
* @param insertedSlotIndex realtive [packed] index of slot being inserted into entry
* @param insertedSlotMask mask value fo slot being inserted
* @param nextLevelIsLeaf the level below this one is a leaf level
* @return the updated index of the entry (-1 if epansion failed due to conflict)
* @throws RetryException if expansion fails due to concurrent conflict, and caller should try again.
expandEntry(existingEntryIndex: number, entryPointerIndex: number, insertedSlotIndex: number, insertedSlotMask: number, nextLevelIsLeaf: boolean): number;
getRootEntry(setNumber: number, insertAsNeeded?: boolean): number;
* Get the byte-index (into the packed array) corresponding to a given (set tree) value byte of given virtual index.
* Inserts new set tree nodes as needed if indicated.
* @param setNumber The set tree number (0-7, 0 corresponding with the LSByte set tree)
* @param virtualIndex The virtual index into the PackedArray
* @param insertAsNeeded If true, will insert new set tree nodes as needed if they do not already exist
* @return the byte-index corresponding to the given (set tree) value byte of the given virtual index
getPackedIndex(setNumber: number, virtualIndex: number, insertAsNeeded: boolean): number;
determineTopLevelShiftForVirtualLength(virtualLength: number): number;
setVirtualLength(virtualLength: number): void;
getTopLevelShift(): number;
resizeArray(newLength: number): void;
private populateEquivalentEntriesWithEntriesFromOther;
private copyEntriesAtLevelFromOther;
getAtUnpackedIndex(index: number): number;
setAtUnpackedIndex(index: number, newValue: number): void;
lazysetAtUnpackedIndex(index: number, newValue: number): void;
incrementAndGetAtUnpackedIndex(index: number): number;
addAndGetAtUnpackedIndex(index: number, valueToAdd: number): number;
private nonLeafEntryToString;
private leafEntryToString;
toString(): string;