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2024-01-19 10:09:11 +00:00
const { resolve, dirname, delimiter } = require('path')
// the path here is relative, even though it does not need to be
// in order to make the posix tests pass in windows
const nodeGypPath = resolve(__dirname, '../lib/node-gyp-bin')
// Windows typically calls its PATH environ 'Path', but this is not
// guaranteed, nor is it guaranteed to be the only one. Merge them
// all together in the order they appear in the object.
const setPATH = (projectPath, binPaths, env) => {
const PATH = Object.keys(env).filter(p => /^path$/i.test(p) && env[p])
.map(p => env[p].split(delimiter))
.reduce((set, p) => set.concat(p.filter(concatted => !set.includes(concatted))), [])
const pathArr = []
if (binPaths) {
// unshift the ./node_modules/.bin from every folder
// walk up until dirname() does nothing, at the root
// XXX we should specify a cwd that we don't go above
let p = projectPath
let pp
do {
pathArr.push(resolve(p, 'node_modules', '.bin'))
pp = p
p = dirname(p)
} while (p !== pp)
pathArr.push(nodeGypPath, PATH)
const pathVal = pathArr.join(delimiter)
// XXX include the node-gyp-bin path somehow? Probably better for
// npm or arborist or whoever to just provide that by putting it in
// the PATH environ, since that's preserved anyway.
for (const key of Object.keys(env)) {
if (/^path$/i.test(key)) {
env[key] = pathVal
return env
module.exports = setPATH