Added CI MSSQL Tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ typings/
@ -4,6 +4,15 @@ node_js:
- 6
- 5
- 4
- MSSQLSkip=0
- MSSQLHost=localhost
- MSSQLPort=1433
- MSSQLUsername=sa
- MSSQLPassword=!Passw0rd
- MSSQLDatabase=test
- docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=!Passw0rd' -p 1433:1433 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux
- npm run typings-install
- tsc
- tsc
- sqlcmd -S $MSSQLHost,$MSSQLPort -U $MSSQLUsername -P $MSSQLPassword -Q 'CREATE DATABASE TEST'
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"chai": "^3.5.0",
"chai-as-promised": "^6.0.0",
"codecov": "^2.1.0",
"dotenv": "^4.0.0",
"fs-extra": "^3.0.1",
"istanbul": "^0.4.5",
"mocha": "^3.3.0",
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
import "reflect-metadata";
import { createConnection, ConnectionOptions, Connection } from "typeorm";
import { setupSingleTestingConnection, closeTestingConnections, reloadTestingDatabases } from "./../utils/test-utils"
import fs = require('fs-extra');
import path = require('path')
import { Post } from "./examples/sample1-simple-entity/entity/Post";
import * as mockFS from "mock-fs";
import { Engine } from "./../../src/Engine";
import { AbstractDriver } from "./../../src/drivers/AbstractDriver";
import { MssqlDriver } from "./../../src/drivers/MssqlDriver";
@ -13,65 +12,75 @@ import { expect } from "chai";
import * as Sinon from 'sinon'
describe("integration tests", async function () {
let examplesPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'test/integration/examples')
let files = fs.readdirSync(examplesPath)
// console.log(files)
let dbDrivers:[DriverType]=['mssql']
describe("integration tests", async function () {
let examplesPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'test/integration/examples')
let files = fs.readdirSync(examplesPath)
for( let folder of files){
// files.forEach( async folder => {
describe(folder, async function () {
for (let dbDriver of dbDrivers){
it(dbDriver,async function() {
let connOpt =await setupSingleTestingConnection(<any>dbDriver,{
entities: [Post],
schemaCreate: true,
let conn = await createConnection(connOpt)
await conn.entityManager.query(`select 'TODO'`)//depends on driver - remove tables
if (conn.isConnected)
await conn.close()
let dbDrivers: DriverType[] = []
if (process.env.MSSQLSkip=='0') dbDrivers.push('mssql')
let driver: AbstractDriver;
driver = new MssqlDriver();
let standardPort = 1433;
for (let folder of files) {
let resultsPath= path.resolve(process.cwd(),`output`)
let engine = new Engine(
driver, {
//TODO:get data from env
host: 'localhost',
port: standardPort,
databaseName: 'test',
user: 'sa',
password: 'password',
databaseType: 'mssql',
resultsPath: resultsPath
describe(folder, async function () {
for (let dbDriver of dbDrivers) {
it(dbDriver, async function () {
let filesOrgPath = path.resolve(examplesPath, folder, 'entity')
let connOpt: ConnectionOptions = {
driver: {
database: process.env.MSSQLDatabase,
host: process.env.MSSQLHost,
password: process.env.MSSQLPassword,
type: 'mssql',
username: process.env.MSSQLUsername,
port: process.env.MSSQLPort
dropSchemaOnConnection: true,
autoSchemaSync: true,
entities: [path.resolve(filesOrgPath, '*.js')],
let conn = await createConnection(connOpt)
if (conn.isConnected)
await conn.close()
let driver: AbstractDriver;
driver = new MssqlDriver();
let resultsPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), `output`)
let engine = new Engine(
driver, {
//TODO:get data from env
host: process.env.MSSQLHost,
port: process.env.MSSQLPort,
databaseName: process.env.MSSQLDatabase,
user: process.env.MSSQLUsername,
password: process.env.MSSQLPassword,
databaseType: 'mssql',
resultsPath: resultsPath
let result = await engine.createModelFromDatabase()
//TODO:Compare reslts
let filesOrgPath=path.resolve(examplesPath,folder,'entity')
let filesGenPath=path.resolve(resultsPath,'entities')
let result = await engine.createModelFromDatabase()
let filesOrg = fs.readdirSync(filesOrgPath).map(function(this,val){return val.toString().toLowerCase();}).filter( function(this,val,ind,arr){return val.toString().endsWith('.ts')})
let filesGen = fs.readdirSync(filesGenPath).map(function(this,val){return val.toString().toLowerCase();}).filter( function(this,val,ind,arr){return val.toString().endsWith('.ts')})
let filesGenPath = path.resolve(resultsPath, 'entities')
for(let file of filesOrg){
let filesOrg = fs.readdirSync(filesOrgPath).map(function (this, val) { return val.toString().toLowerCase(); }).filter(function (this, val, ind, arr) { return val.toString().endsWith('.ts') })
let filesGen = fs.readdirSync(filesGenPath).map(function (this, val) { return val.toString().toLowerCase(); }).filter(function (this, val, ind, arr) { return val.toString().endsWith('.ts') })
for (let file of filesOrg) {
//TODO:Compare files logically(not buffer to buffer)
//expect(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(filesOrgPath, file)).toString()), file)).toString())
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
import { createConnection, createConnections, Connection, ConnectionOptions } from "typeorm";
export type DriverType = "mysql"|"postgres"|"mariadb"|"sqlite"|"oracle"|"mssql"|"websql"|"mongodb";
* Interface in which data is stored in ormconfig.json of the project.
export interface TestingConnectionOptions extends ConnectionOptions {
* Indicates if this connection should be skipped.
skip?: boolean;
* If set to true then tests for this driver wont run until implicitly defined "enabledDrivers" section.
disabledIfNotEnabledImplicitly?: boolean;
* Options used to create a connection for testing purposes.
export interface TestingOptions {
* Connection name to be overridden.
* This can be used to create multiple connections with single connection configuration.
name?: string;
* List of enabled drivers for the given test suite.
enabledDrivers?: DriverType[];
* Entities needs to be included in the connection for the given test suite.
entities?: string[] | Function[];
* Subscribers needs to be included in the connection for the given test suite.
subscribers?: string[] | Function[];
* Indicates if schema sync should be performed or not.
schemaCreate?: boolean;
* Indicates if schema should be dropped on connection setup.
dropSchemaOnConnection?: boolean;
* Schema name used for postgres driver.
schemaName?: string;
* Creates a testing connection options for the given driver type based on the configuration in the ormconfig.json
* and given options that can override some of its configuration for the test-specific use case.
export function setupSingleTestingConnection(driverType: DriverType, options: TestingOptions) {
const testingConnections = setupTestingConnections({
name: ? : undefined,
entities: options.entities ? options.entities : [],
subscribers: options.subscribers ? options.subscribers : [],
dropSchemaOnConnection: options.dropSchemaOnConnection ? options.dropSchemaOnConnection : false,
schemaCreate: options.schemaCreate ? options.schemaCreate : false,
enabledDrivers: [driverType],
schemaName: options.schemaName ? options.schemaName : undefined
if (!testingConnections.length)
throw new Error(`Unable to run tests because connection options for "${driverType}" are not set.`);
return testingConnections[0];
* Loads test connection options from ormconfig.json file.
export function getTypeOrmConfig(): TestingConnectionOptions[] {
try {
return require(__dirname + "/../../ormconfig.json");
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Cannot find ormconfig.json file in the root of the project. To run tests please create ormconfig.json file` +
` in the root of the project (near ormconfig.json.dist, you need to copy ormconfig.json.dist into ormconfig.json` +
` and change all database settings to match your local environment settings).`);
* Creates a testing connections options based on the configuration in the ormconfig.json
* and given options that can override some of its configuration for the test-specific use case.
export function setupTestingConnections(options?: TestingOptions) {
const ormConfigConnectionOptionsArray = getTypeOrmConfig();
if (!ormConfigConnectionOptionsArray.length)
throw new Error(`No connections setup in ormconfig.json file. Please create configurations for each database type to run tests.`);
return ormConfigConnectionOptionsArray
.filter(connectionOptions => {
if (connectionOptions.skip === true)
return false;
if (options && options.enabledDrivers && options.enabledDrivers.length)
return options.enabledDrivers.indexOf(connectionOptions.driver.type) !== -1;
if (connectionOptions.disabledIfNotEnabledImplicitly === true)
return false;
return true;
.map(connectionOptions => {
const newConnectionOptions = Object.assign({}, connectionOptions as ConnectionOptions, {
name: options && ? :,
entities: options && options.entities ? options.entities : [],
subscribers: options && options.subscribers ? options.subscribers : [],
autoSchemaSync: options && options.entities ? options.schemaCreate : false,
dropSchemaOnConnection: options && options.entities ? options.dropSchemaOnConnection : false,
if (options && options.schemaName && newConnectionOptions.driver) {
// todo: we use any because driver.schemaName is readonly. Need to find better solution here
(newConnectionOptions.driver as any).schemaName = options.schemaName;
return newConnectionOptions;
* Creates a testing connections based on the configuration in the ormconfig.json
* and given options that can override some of its configuration for the test-specific use case.
export async function createTestingConnections(options?: TestingOptions): Promise<Connection[]> {
return createConnections(setupTestingConnections(options));
* Closes testing connections if they are connected.
export function closeTestingConnections(connections: Connection[]) {
return Promise.all( => connection.isConnected ? connection.close() : undefined));
* Reloads all databases for all given connections.
export function reloadTestingDatabases(connections: Connection[]) {
return Promise.all( => connection.syncSchema(true)));
Reference in New Issue
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