73 lines
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73 lines
2.5 KiB
import { createParamDecorator, ExecutionContext } from '@nestjs/common'
import { Request } from 'express'
import { pickBy, Dictionary, isString, mapKeys } from 'lodash'
export interface PaginateQuery {
page?: number
limit?: number
sortBy?: [string, string][]
searchBy?: string[]
search?: string
filter?: { [column: string]: string | string[] }
path: string
export const Paginate = createParamDecorator((_data: unknown, ctx: ExecutionContext): PaginateQuery => {
const request: Request = ctx.switchToHttp().getRequest()
const { query } = request
// Determine if Express or Fastify to rebuild the original url and reduce down to protocol, host and base url
let originalUrl
if (request.originalUrl) {
originalUrl = request.protocol + '://' + request.get('host') + request.originalUrl
} else {
originalUrl = request.protocol + '://' + request.hostname + request.url
const urlParts = new URL(originalUrl)
const path = urlParts.protocol + '//' + urlParts.host + urlParts.pathname
const sortBy: [string, string][] = []
const searchBy: string[] = []
if (query.sortBy) {
const params = !Array.isArray(query.sortBy) ? [query.sortBy] : query.sortBy
for (const param of params) {
if (isString(param)) {
const items = param.split(':')
if (items.length === 2) {
sortBy.push(items as [string, string])
if (query.searchBy) {
const params = !Array.isArray(query.searchBy) ? [query.searchBy] : query.searchBy
for (const param of params) {
if (isString(param)) {
const filter = mapKeys(
(param, name) =>
name.includes('filter.') &&
(isString(param) || (Array.isArray(param) && (param as any[]).every((p) => isString(p))))
) as Dictionary<string | string[]>,
(_param, name) => name.replace('filter.', '')
return {
page: query.page ? parseInt(query.page.toString(), 10) : undefined,
limit: query.limit ? parseInt(query.limit.toString(), 10) : undefined,
sortBy: sortBy.length ? sortBy : undefined,
search: query.search ? query.search.toString() : undefined,
searchBy: searchBy.length ? searchBy : undefined,
filter: Object.keys(filter).length ? filter : undefined,