import { Repository, In, DataSource, TypeORMError } from 'typeorm' import { Paginated, paginate, PaginateConfig, NO_PAGINATION } from '.' import { PaginateQuery } from '../decorator' import { HttpException } from '@nestjs/common' import { CatEntity } from '../__tests__/cat.entity' import { CatToyEntity } from '../__tests__/cat-toy.entity' import { CatHomeEntity } from '../__tests__/cat-home.entity' import { CatHomePillowEntity } from '../__tests__/cat-home-pillow.entity' import { clone } from 'lodash' import { getFilterTokens, FilterComparator, FilterOperator, FilterSuffix, isOperator, isSuffix, OperatorSymbolToFunction, } from './filter' describe('paginate', () => { let dataSource: DataSource let catRepo: Repository let catToyRepo: Repository let catHomeRepo: Repository let catHomePillowRepo: Repository let cats: CatEntity[] let catToys: CatToyEntity[] let catHomes: CatHomeEntity[] let catHomePillows: CatHomePillowEntity[] beforeAll(async () => { dataSource = new DataSource({ type: 'sqlite', database: ':memory:', synchronize: true, logging: false, entities: [CatEntity, CatToyEntity, CatHomeEntity, CatHomePillowEntity], }) await dataSource.initialize() catRepo = dataSource.getRepository(CatEntity) catToyRepo = dataSource.getRepository(CatToyEntity) catHomeRepo = dataSource.getRepository(CatHomeEntity) catHomePillowRepo = dataSource.getRepository(CatHomePillowEntity) cats = await[ catRepo.create({ name: 'Milo', color: 'brown', age: 6, size: { height: 25, width: 10, length: 40 } }), catRepo.create({ name: 'Garfield', color: 'ginger', age: 5, size: { height: 30, width: 15, length: 45 } }), catRepo.create({ name: 'Shadow', color: 'black', age: 4, size: { height: 25, width: 10, length: 50 } }), catRepo.create({ name: 'George', color: 'white', age: 3, size: { height: 35, width: 12, length: 40 } }), catRepo.create({ name: 'Leche', color: 'white', age: null, size: { height: 10, width: 5, length: 15 } }), ]) catToys = await[ catToyRepo.create({ name: 'Fuzzy Thing', cat: cats[0], size: { height: 10, width: 10, length: 10 } }), catToyRepo.create({ name: 'Stuffed Mouse', cat: cats[0], size: { height: 5, width: 5, length: 12 } }), catToyRepo.create({ name: 'Mouse', cat: cats[0], size: { height: 6, width: 4, length: 13 } }), catToyRepo.create({ name: 'String', cat: cats[1], size: { height: 1, width: 1, length: 50 } }), ]) catHomes = await[ catHomeRepo.create({ name: 'Box', cat: cats[0] }), catHomeRepo.create({ name: 'House', cat: cats[1] }), ]) catHomePillows = await[ catHomePillowRepo.create({ color: 'red', home: catHomes[0] }), catHomePillowRepo.create({ color: 'yellow', home: catHomes[0] }), catHomePillowRepo.create({ color: 'blue', home: catHomes[0] }), catHomePillowRepo.create({ color: 'pink', home: catHomes[1] }), catHomePillowRepo.create({ color: 'purple', home: catHomes[1] }), catHomePillowRepo.create({ color: 'teal', home: catHomes[1] }), ]) // add friends to Milo{ ...cats[0], friends: cats.slice(1) }) }) it('should return an instance of Paginated', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], defaultSortBy: [['id', 'ASC']], defaultLimit: 1, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result).toBeInstanceOf(Paginated) expect(, 1)) }) it('should accept a query builder', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], defaultSortBy: [['id', 'ASC']], defaultLimit: 1, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const queryBuilder = await catRepo.createQueryBuilder('cats') const result = await paginate(query, queryBuilder, config) expect(, 1)) }) it('should accept a query builder with custom condition', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], defaultSortBy: [['id', 'ASC']], defaultLimit: 1, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const queryBuilder = await dataSource .createQueryBuilder() .select('cats') .from(CatEntity, 'cats') .where('cats.color = :color', { color: 'white' }) const result = await paginate(query, queryBuilder, config) expect(, 4)) }) it('should default to page 1, if negative page is given', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], defaultLimit: 1, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', page: -1, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.currentPage).toBe(1) expect(, 1)) }) it('should default to limit maxLimit, if maxLimit is not 0', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], maxLimit: 1, defaultLimit: 1, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', limit: NO_PAGINATION, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(, 1)) }) it('should return all cats', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], maxLimit: NO_PAGINATION, defaultLimit: 1, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', limit: NO_PAGINATION, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect( }) it('should limit to defaultLimit, if limit is negative', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], maxLimit: NO_PAGINATION, defaultLimit: 1, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', limit: -1, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(, 1)) }) it('should default to limit defaultLimit, if maxLimit is 0', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], maxLimit: NO_PAGINATION, defaultLimit: 1, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(, 1)) }) it('should default to limit maxLimit, if more than maxLimit is given', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], defaultLimit: 5, maxLimit: 2, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', page: 1, limit: 20, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(, 2)) }) it('should return correct links for some results', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', page: 2, limit: 2, } const { links } = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(links.first).toBe('?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.previous).toBe('?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.current).toBe('?page=2&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect('?page=3&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.last).toBe('?page=3&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') }) it('should return a relative path', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], relativePath: true, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: 'http://localhost/cats', page: 2, limit: 2, } const { links } = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(links.first).toBe('/cats?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.previous).toBe('/cats?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.current).toBe('/cats?page=2&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect('/cats?page=3&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.last).toBe('/cats?page=3&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') }) it('should return an absolute path', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], relativePath: false, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: 'http://localhost/cats', page: 2, limit: 2, } const { links } = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(links.first).toBe('http://localhost/cats?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.previous).toBe('http://localhost/cats?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.current).toBe('http://localhost/cats?page=2&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect('http://localhost/cats?page=3&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.last).toBe('http://localhost/cats?page=3&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') }) it('should return an absolute path with new origin', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], relativePath: false, origin: 'http://cats.example', } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: 'http://localhost/cats', page: 2, limit: 2, } const { links } = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(links.first).toBe('http://cats.example/cats?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.previous).toBe('http://cats.example/cats?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.current).toBe('http://cats.example/cats?page=2&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect('http://cats.example/cats?page=3&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') expect(links.last).toBe('http://cats.example/cats?page=3&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC') }) it('should return only current link if zero results', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], searchableColumns: ['name'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', page: 1, limit: 2, search: 'Pluto', } const { links } = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(links.first).toBe(undefined) expect(links.previous).toBe(undefined) expect(links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=2&sortBy=id:ASC&search=Pluto') expect( expect(links.last).toBe(undefined) }) it('should default to defaultSortBy if query sortBy does not exist', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'createdAt'], defaultSortBy: [['id', 'DESC']], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.sortBy).toStrictEqual([['id', 'DESC']]) expect( }) it('should put null values last when sorting', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['age', 'createdAt'], nullSort: 'last', defaultSortBy: [['age', 'ASC']], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const expectedResult = [...cats.slice(0, -1).reverse(), cats.slice(-1)[0]] expect(result.meta.sortBy).toStrictEqual([['age', 'ASC']]) expect( }) it('should put null values first when sorting', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['age', 'createdAt'], nullSort: 'first', defaultSortBy: [['age', 'ASC']], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const expectedResult = [cats[cats.length - 1], ...cats.slice(0, cats.length - 1).reverse()] expect(result.meta.sortBy).toStrictEqual([['age', 'ASC']]) expect( }) it('should put null values first when nullSort is not specified', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['age', 'createdAt'], defaultSortBy: [['age', 'ASC']], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const expectedCats = cats.slice() expect(result.meta.sortBy).toStrictEqual([['age', 'ASC']]) expect( }) it('should sort result by multiple columns', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['name', 'color'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [ ['color', 'DESC'], ['name', 'ASC'], ], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.sortBy).toStrictEqual([ ['color', 'DESC'], ['name', 'ASC'], ]) expect([cats[3], cats[4], cats[1], cats[0], cats[2]]) }) it('should return result based on search term', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'color'], searchableColumns: ['name', 'color'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: 'i', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect('i') expect([cats[0], cats[1], cats[3], cats[4]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=i') }) it('should not result in a sql syntax error when attempting a sql injection', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'color'], searchableColumns: ['name', 'color'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: "i UNION SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and tbl_name NOT like 'sqlite_%'", } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([]) }) it('should return result based on search term on many-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], searchableColumns: ['name', ''], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: 'Milo', } const result = await paginate(query, catToyRepo, config) expect('Milo') expect([catToys[0], catToys[1], catToys[2]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=Milo') }) it('should return result based on search term on one-to-many relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['toys'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], searchableColumns: ['name', ''], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: 'Mouse', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect('Mouse') const toy = clone(catToys[2]) delete const toy2 = clone(catToys[1]) delete expect([Object.assign(clone(cats[0]), { toys: [toy2, toy] })]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=Mouse') }) it('should return result based on search term on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', ''], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [['', 'DESC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect(result.meta.sortBy).toStrictEqual([['', 'DESC']]) const catHomesClone = clone([catHomes[0], catHomes[1]]) catHomesClone[0].countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === catHomesClone[0] catHomesClone[1].countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === catHomesClone[1] expect(, b) => - expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&') }) it('should return result based on sort and search on many-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', ''], searchableColumns: ['name', ''], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [['', 'DESC']], search: 'Milo', } const result = await paginate(query, catToyRepo, config) expect('Milo') expect([catToys[0], catToys[1], catToys[2]].sort((a, b) => - expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&') }) it('should return result based on sort on one-to-many relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['toys'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', ''], searchableColumns: ['name', ''], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [['', 'DESC']], search: 'Mouse', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect('Mouse') const toy1 = clone(catToys[1]) delete const toy2 = clone(catToys[2]) delete expect([Object.assign(clone(cats[0]), { toys: [toy2, toy1] })]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&') }) it('should return result based on sort on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], searchableColumns: ['name', ''], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: 'Garfield', } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect('Garfield') const catHomesClone = clone(catHomes[1]) catHomesClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === expect([catHomesClone]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=Garfield') }) it('should load nested relations', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: { home: { pillows: true } }, sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], searchableColumns: ['name'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: 'Garfield', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const cat = clone(cats[1]) const catHomesClone = clone(catHomes[1]) const catHomePillowsClone3 = clone(catHomePillows[3]) delete catHomePillowsClone3.home const catHomePillowsClone4 = clone(catHomePillows[4]) delete catHomePillowsClone4.home const catHomePillowsClone5 = clone(catHomePillows[5]) delete catHomePillowsClone5.home catHomesClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === catHomesClone.pillows = [catHomePillowsClone3, catHomePillowsClone4, catHomePillowsClone5] cat.home = catHomesClone delete expect('Garfield') expect([cat]) expect([0].home).toBeDefined() expect([0].home.pillows).toStrictEqual(cat.home.pillows) }) it('should throw an error when nonexistent relation loaded', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['homee'], sortableColumns: ['id'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } try { await paginate(query, catRepo, config) } catch (err) { expect(err).toBeInstanceOf(TypeORMError) } }) it('should return result based on search term and searchBy columns', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'color'], searchableColumns: ['name', 'color'], } const searchTerm = 'white' const expectedResultData = cats.filter((cat: CatEntity) => cat.color === searchTerm) const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: searchTerm, searchBy: ['color'], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect( expect(result.meta.searchBy).toStrictEqual(['color']) expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=white&searchBy=color') }) it('should return result based on where config and filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], where: { color: 'white', }, filterableColumns: { name: [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { name: '$not:Leche', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ name: '$not:Leche', }) expect([cats[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:Leche') }) it('should return result based on filter on many-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { '': [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { '': '$not:Milo', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catToyRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ '': '$not:Milo', }) expect([catToys[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:Milo') }) it('should return result based on filter on one-to-many relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['toys'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { '': [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { '': '$not:Stuffed Mouse', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const cat1 = clone(cats[0]) const cat2 = clone(cats[1]) const catToys1 = clone(catToys[0]) const catToys2 = clone(catToys[2]) const catToys3 = clone(catToys[3]) delete delete delete = [catToys1, catToys2] = [catToys3] expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ '': '$not:Stuffed Mouse', }) expect([cat1, cat2]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:Stuffed Mouse') }) it('should return result based on filter on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { '': [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { '': '$not:Garfield', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ '': '$not:Garfield', }) const catHomesClone = clone(catHomes[0]) catHomesClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === expect([catHomesClone]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:Garfield') }) it('should return result based on $in filter on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { 'cat.age': [FilterOperator.IN], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'cat.age': '$in:4,6', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ 'cat.age': '$in:4,6', }) const catHomesClone = clone(catHomes[0]) catHomesClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === expect([catHomesClone]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$in:4,6') }) it('should return result based on $btw filter on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { 'cat.age': [FilterOperator.BTW], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'cat.age': '$btw:6,10', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ 'cat.age': '$btw:6,10', }) const catHomesClone = clone(catHomes[0]) catHomesClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === expect([catHomesClone]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$btw:6,10') }) it('should return result based on sort on embedded entity', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'size.height', 'size.length', 'size.width'], searchableColumns: ['name'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [ ['size.height', 'ASC'], ['size.length', 'ASC'], ], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const orderedCats = [cats[4], cats[0], cats[2], cats[1], cats[3]] expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=size.height:ASC&sortBy=size.length:ASC') }) it('should return result based on sort on embedded entity when other relations loaded', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'size.height', 'size.length', 'size.width'], searchableColumns: ['name'], relations: ['home', 'toys'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [ ['size.height', 'DESC'], ['size.length', 'DESC'], ], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const copyCats = CatEntity) => { const copy = clone(cat) copy.home = null = [] return copy }) const copyHomes = CatHomeEntity) => { const copy = clone(home) copy.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === delete return copy }) copyCats[0].home = copyHomes[0] copyCats[1].home = copyHomes[1] const copyToys = CatToyEntity) => { const copy = clone(toy) delete return copy }) copyCats[0].toys = [copyToys[0], copyToys[1], copyToys[2]] copyCats[1].toys = [copyToys[3]] const orderedCats = [copyCats[3], copyCats[1], copyCats[2], copyCats[0], copyCats[4]] expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=size.height:DESC&sortBy=size.length:DESC') }) it('should return result based on sort on embedded entity on one-to-many relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'toys.(size.height)', 'toys.(size.length)', 'toys.(size.width)'], searchableColumns: ['name'], relations: ['toys'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [ ['id', 'DESC'], ['toys.(size.height)', 'ASC'], ['toys.(size.length)', 'ASC'], ], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const toy0 = clone(catToys[0]) delete const toy1 = clone(catToys[1]) delete const toy2 = clone(catToys[2]) delete const toy3 = clone(catToys[3]) delete const orderedCats = [ Object.assign(clone(cats[4]), { toys: [] }), Object.assign(clone(cats[3]), { toys: [] }), Object.assign(clone(cats[2]), { toys: [] }), Object.assign(clone(cats[1]), { toys: [toy3] }), Object.assign(clone(cats[0]), { toys: [toy1, toy2, toy0] }), ] expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe( '?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:DESC&sortBy=toys.(size.height):ASC&sortBy=toys.(size.length):ASC' ) }) it('should return result based on sort on embedded entity on many-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'cat.(size.height)', 'cat.(size.length)', 'cat.(size.width)'], searchableColumns: ['name'], relations: ['cat'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [ ['cat.(size.height)', 'DESC'], ['cat.(size.length)', 'DESC'], ['name', 'ASC'], ], } const result = await paginate(query, catToyRepo, config) const orderedToys = [catToys[3], catToys[0], catToys[2], catToys[1]] expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe( '?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=cat.(size.height):DESC&sortBy=cat.(size.length):DESC&sortBy=name:ASC' ) }) it('should return result based on sort on embedded entity on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'cat.(size.height)', 'cat.(size.length)', 'cat.(size.width)'], searchableColumns: ['name'], relations: ['cat'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [['cat.(size.height)', 'DESC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) const orderedHomes = clone([catHomes[1], catHomes[0]]) orderedHomes[0].countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === orderedHomes[0] orderedHomes[1].countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === orderedHomes[1] expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=cat.(size.height):DESC') }) it('should return result based on search on embedded entity', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'size.height', 'size.length', 'size.width'], searchableColumns: ['size.height'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: '10', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([cats[4]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=10') }) it('should return result based on search term on embedded entity when other relations loaded', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'size.height', 'size.length', 'size.width'], searchableColumns: ['size.height'], relations: ['home', 'toys'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: '10', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect('10') const copyCat = clone(cats[4]) copyCat.home = null = [] expect([copyCat]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=10') }) it('should return result based on search term on embedded entity on many-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'cat.(size.height)', 'cat.(size.length)', 'cat.(size.width)'], searchableColumns: ['cat.(size.height)'], relations: ['cat'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: '30', } const result = await paginate(query, catToyRepo, config) expect('30') expect([catToys[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=30') }) it('should return result based on search term on embedded entity on one-to-many relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'toys.(size.height)', 'toys.(size.length)', 'toys.(size.width)'], searchableColumns: ['toys.(size.height)'], relations: ['toys'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: '1', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const toy0 = clone(catToys[0]) delete const toy3 = clone(catToys[3]) delete expect([ Object.assign(clone(cats[0]), { toys: [toy0] }), Object.assign(clone(cats[1]), { toys: [toy3] }), ]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=1') }) it('should return result based on search term on embedded entity on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'cat.(size.height)', 'cat.(size.length)', 'cat.(size.width)'], searchableColumns: ['cat.(size.height)'], relations: ['cat'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: '30', } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) const catHomeClone = clone(catHomes[1]) catHomeClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === expect([catHomeClone]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=30') }) it('should return result based on sort and search on embedded many-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'cat.(size.height)', 'cat.(size.length)', 'cat.(size.width)'], searchableColumns: ['cat.(size.width)'], relations: ['cat'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: '1', sortBy: [['cat.(size.height)', 'DESC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catToyRepo, config) expect('1') expect([catToys[3], catToys[0], catToys[1], catToys[2]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=cat.(size.height):DESC&search=1') }) it('should return result based on filter on embedded entity', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'size.height', 'size.length', 'size.width'], searchableColumns: ['size.height'], filterableColumns: { 'size.height': [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'size.height': '$not:25', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([cats[1], cats[3], cats[4]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.size.height=$not:25') }) it('should return result based on filter on embedded entity when other relations loaded', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name', 'size.height', 'size.length', 'size.width'], searchableColumns: ['size.height'], filterableColumns: { 'size.height': [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, relations: ['home'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'size.height': '$not:25', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const home = clone(catHomes[1]) home.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === delete const copyCats = [ Object.assign(clone(cats[1]), { home: home }), Object.assign(clone(cats[3]), { home: null }), Object.assign(clone(cats[4]), { home: null }), ] expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.size.height=$not:25') }) it('should return result based on filter on embedded on many-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { 'cat.(size.height)': [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'cat.(size.height)': '$not:25', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catToyRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ 'cat.(size.height)': '$not:25', }) expect([catToys[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:25') }) it('should return result based on filter on embedded on one-to-many relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['toys'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { 'toys.(size.height)': [FilterOperator.EQ], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'toys.(size.height)': '1', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const cat2 = clone(cats[1]) const catToys3 = clone(catToys[3]) delete = [catToys3] expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ 'toys.(size.height)': '1', }) expect([cat2]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&') }) it('should return result based on filter on embedded on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { 'cat.(size.height)': [FilterOperator.EQ], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'cat.(size.height)': '$eq:30', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ 'cat.(size.height)': '$eq:30', }) const catClone = clone(catHomes[1]) catClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => cat.size.height === 30 && == expect([catClone]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$eq:30') }) it('should return result based on $in filter on embedded on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { 'cat.(size.height)': [FilterOperator.IN], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'cat.(size.height)': '$in:10,30,35', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ 'cat.(size.height)': '$in:10,30,35', }) const catClone = clone(catHomes[1]) catClone.countCat = cats.filter( (cat) => (cat.size.height === 10 || cat.size.height === 30 || cat.size.height === 35) && == ).length expect([catClone]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$in:10,30,35') }) it('should return result based on $btw filter on embedded on one-to-one relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: ['cat'], sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { 'cat.(size.height)': [FilterOperator.BTW], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'cat.(size.height)': '$btw:18,33', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ 'cat.(size.height)': '$btw:18,33', }) const catHomeClone = clone(catHomes) catHomeClone[0].countCat = cats.filter( (cat) => cat.size.height >= 18 && cat.size.height <= 33 && == catHomeClone[0] ).length catHomeClone[1].countCat = cats.filter( (cat) => cat.size.height >= 18 && cat.size.height <= 33 && == catHomeClone[1] ).length expect([catHomeClone[0], catHomeClone[1]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$btw:18,33') }) it('should return result based on where array and filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], where: [ { color: 'white', }, { age: 4, }, ], filterableColumns: { name: [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { name: '$not:Leche', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ name: '$not:Leche', }) expect([cats[2], cats[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:Leche') }) it('should return result based on multiple filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { name: [FilterSuffix.NOT], color: [FilterOperator.EQ], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { name: '$not:Leche', color: 'white', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ name: '$not:Leche', color: 'white', }) expect([cats[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:Leche&filter.color=white') }) it('should return result based on $ilike filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { name: [FilterOperator.ILIKE], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { name: '$ilike:arf', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ name: '$ilike:arf', }) expect([cats[1]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$ilike:arf') }) it('should return result based on $sw filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { name: [FilterOperator.SW], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { name: '$sw:Ga', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ name: '$sw:Ga', }) expect([cats[1]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$sw:Ga') }) it('should return result based on filter and search term', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], searchableColumns: ['name', 'color'], filterableColumns: { id: [FilterSuffix.NOT, FilterOperator.IN], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: 'white', filter: { id: '$not:$in:1,2,5', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect('white') expect(result.meta.filter).toStrictEqual({ id: '$not:$in:1,2,5' }) expect([cats[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&search=white&$not:$in:1,2,5') }) it('should return result based on filter and where config', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], where: { color: In(['black', 'white']), }, filterableColumns: { id: [FilterSuffix.NOT, FilterOperator.IN], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { id: '$not:$in:1,2,5', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([cats[2], cats[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:$in:1,2,5') }) it('should return result based on range filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { age: [FilterOperator.GTE], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { age: '$gte:4', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([cats[0], cats[1], cats[2]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.age=$gte:4') }) it('should return result based on between range filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { age: [FilterOperator.BTW], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { age: '$btw:4,5', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([cats[1], cats[2]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.age=$btw:4,5') }) it('should return result based on is null query', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { age: [FilterOperator.NULL], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { age: '$null', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([cats[4]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.age=$null') }) it('should return result based on not null query', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { age: [FilterSuffix.NOT, FilterOperator.NULL], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { age: '$not:$null', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([cats[0], cats[1], cats[2], cats[3]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.age=$not:$null') }) it('should return result based on not null query on relation', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { '': [FilterSuffix.NOT, FilterOperator.NULL], }, relations: ['home'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { '': '$not:$null', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const expectedResult = [0, 1].map((i) => { const ret = Object.assign(clone(cats[i]), { home: Object.assign(clone(catHomes[i])) }) delete return ret }) expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&$not:$null') }) it('should ignore filterable column which is not configured', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { name: [FilterSuffix.NOT, FilterOperator.NULL], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { age: '$not:$null', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.age=$not:$null') }) it('should ignore filter operator which is not configured', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { age: [FilterSuffix.NOT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { age: '$not:$null', }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.age=$not:$null') }) it('should throw an error when no sortableColumns', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: [], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } try { await paginate(query, catRepo, config) } catch (err) { expect(err).toBeInstanceOf(HttpException) } }) it.each([ { operator: '$eq', result: true }, { operator: '$gte', result: true }, { operator: '$gt', result: true }, { operator: '$in', result: true }, { operator: '$null', result: true }, { operator: '$lt', result: true }, { operator: '$lte', result: true }, { operator: '$btw', result: true }, { operator: '$ilike', result: true }, { operator: '$fake', result: false }, ])('should check operator "$operator" valid is $result', ({ operator, result }) => { expect(isOperator(operator)).toStrictEqual(result) }) it.each([{ suffix: '$not', result: true }])( 'should check suffix "$suffix" valid is $result', ({ suffix, result }) => { expect(isSuffix(suffix)).toStrictEqual(result) } ) it.each([ { operator: '$eq', name: 'Equal' }, { operator: '$gt', name: 'MoreThan' }, { operator: '$gte', name: 'MoreThanOrEqual' }, { operator: '$in', name: 'In' }, { operator: '$null', name: 'IsNull' }, { operator: '$lt', name: 'LessThan' }, { operator: '$lte', name: 'LessThanOrEqual' }, { operator: '$btw', name: 'Between' }, { operator: '$not', name: 'Not' }, { operator: '$ilike', name: 'ILike' }, ])('should get operator function $name for "$operator"', ({ operator, name }) => { const func = OperatorSymbolToFunction.get(operator as FilterOperator) expect( }) for (const cc of [FilterComparator.AND, FilterComparator.OR, '']) { const comparator = cc === '' ? FilterComparator.AND : cc const cSrt = cc === '' ? cc : `${comparator}:` it.each([ { string: cSrt + '$ilike:value', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$ilike', suffix: undefined, value: 'value' }, }, { string: cSrt + '$eq:value', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$eq', suffix: undefined, value: 'value' } }, { string: cSrt + '$eq:val:ue', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$eq', suffix: undefined, value: 'val:ue' }, }, { string: cSrt + '$in:value1,value2,value3', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$in', suffix: undefined, value: 'value1,value2,value3' }, }, { string: cSrt + '$not:$in:value1:a,value2:b,value3:c', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$in', suffix: '$not', value: 'value1:a,value2:b,value3:c' }, }, { string: cSrt + 'value', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$eq', suffix: undefined, value: 'value' } }, { string: cSrt + 'val:ue', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$eq', suffix: undefined, value: 'val:ue' } }, { string: cSrt + '$not:value', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$eq', suffix: '$not', value: 'value' } }, { string: cSrt + '$eq:$not:value', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$eq', suffix: '$not', value: 'value' }, }, { string: cSrt + '$eq:$null', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$null', suffix: undefined, value: undefined }, }, { string: cSrt + '$null', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$null', suffix: undefined, value: undefined } }, { string: cSrt + '', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$eq', suffix: undefined, value: '' } }, { string: cSrt + '$eq:$not:$in:value', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$in', suffix: '$not', value: 'value' }, }, { string: cSrt + '$eq:$not:value:$in', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$eq', suffix: '$not', value: 'value:$in' }, }, { string: cSrt + '$eq:$not:$null:value:$in', tokens: { comparator, operator: '$null', suffix: '$not', value: undefined }, }, ])('should get filter tokens for "$string"', ({ string, tokens }) => { expect(getFilterTokens(string)).toStrictEqual(tokens) }) } it('should return result based on virtualcolumn filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { 'home.countCat': [FilterOperator.GT], }, relations: ['home'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'home.countCat': '$gt:0', }, sortBy: [['id', 'ASC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const expectedResult = [0, 1].map((i) => { const ret = Object.assign(clone(cats[i]), { home: Object.assign(clone(catHomes[i])) }) delete return ret }) expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.home.countCat=$gt:0') }) it('should return result sorted by a virtualcolumn', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['home.countCat'], relations: ['home'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [['home.countCat', 'ASC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const expectedResult = [2, 3, 4, 0, 1].map((i) => { const ret = clone(cats[i]) if (i == 0 || i == 1) { ret.home = clone(catHomes[i]) ret.home.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === delete } else { ret.home = null } return ret }) expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=home.countCat:ASC') }) it('should return result based on or between range filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { age: [FilterOperator.BTW], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { age: ['$btw:4,5', '$or:$btw:5,6'], }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([cats[0], cats[1], cats[2]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.age=$btw:4,5&filter.age=$or:$btw:5,6') }) it('should return result based on or with all cats', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { age: [FilterOperator.BTW], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { age: ['$null', '$or:$not:$eq:$null'], }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([...cats]) expect(result.links.current).toBe( '?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.age=$null&filter.age=$or:$not:$eq:$null' ) }) it('should return result sorted and filter by a virtualcolumn in main entity', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['countCat'], relations: ['cat'], filterableColumns: { countCat: [FilterOperator.GT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { countCat: '$gt:0', }, sortBy: [['countCat', 'ASC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect([catHomes[0], catHomes[1]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=countCat:ASC&filter.countCat=$gt:0') }) it('should return result based on virtualcolumn filter', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], filterableColumns: { 'home.countCat': [FilterOperator.GT], }, relations: ['home'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'home.countCat': '$gt:0', }, sortBy: [['id', 'ASC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const expectedResult = [0, 1].map((i) => { const ret = Object.assign(clone(cats[i]), { home: Object.assign(clone(catHomes[i])) }) delete return ret }) expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=id:ASC&filter.home.countCat=$gt:0') }) it('should return result sorted by a virtualcolumn', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['home.countCat'], relations: ['home'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', sortBy: [['home.countCat', 'ASC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const expectedResult = [2, 3, 4, 0, 1].map((i) => { const ret = clone(cats[i]) if (i == 0 || i == 1) { ret.home = clone(catHomes[i]) ret.home.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === delete } else { ret.home = null } return ret }) expect( expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=home.countCat:ASC') }) it('should return result sorted and filter by a virtualcolumn in main entity', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['countCat'], relations: ['cat'], filterableColumns: { countCat: [FilterOperator.GT], }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { countCat: '$gt:0', }, sortBy: [['countCat', 'ASC']], } const result = await paginate(query, catHomeRepo, config) expect([catHomes[0], catHomes[1]]) expect(result.links.current).toBe('?page=1&limit=20&sortBy=countCat:ASC&filter.countCat=$gt:0') }) it("should return all columns if select doesn't contain all primary columns", async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], select: ['name'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect( }) it('should return all items even if deleted', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], withDeleted: true, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } await catRepo.softDelete({ id: cats[0].id }) const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.totalItems).toBe(cats.length) }) it('should return only undeleted items', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], withDeleted: false, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } await catRepo.softDelete({ id: cats[0].id }) const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect(result.meta.totalItems).toBe(cats.length - 1) }) it('should return the specified columns only', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], select: ['id', 'name'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) => { expect(cat.color).not.toBeDefined() }) }) it('should return the specified relationship columns only', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['name'], select: ['id', 'name', ''], relations: ['toys'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) => { expect( expect( expect(cat.color).not.toBeDefined() => { expect( expect( }) }) }) it('should return selected columns', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], select: ['id', 'name', '', 'toys.(size.height)', 'toys.(size.length)'], relations: ['toys'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', select: ['id', 'toys.(size.height)'], } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) => { expect( expect( }) => { if ( === 1 || === 2) { const toy =[0] expect( expect( expect(toy.size.height).toBeDefined() } else { expect( } }) }) it('should return the right amount of results if a many to many relation is involved', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], defaultSortBy: [['id', 'ASC']], relations: ['friends'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect( }) it('should return eager relations when set the property `loadEagerRelations` as true', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { sortableColumns: ['id'], defaultSortBy: [['id', 'ASC']], loadEagerRelations: true, searchableColumns: ['name'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: 'Garfield', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) expect([0].toys).toBeDefined() expect([0].toys).toHaveLength(1) }) it('should search nested relations', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: { home: { pillows: true } }, sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], searchableColumns: ['name', 'home.pillows.color'], } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', search: 'pink', } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const cat = clone(cats[1]) const catHomesClone = clone(catHomes[1]) const catHomePillowsClone = clone(catHomePillows[3]) delete catHomePillowsClone.home catHomesClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === catHomesClone.pillows = [catHomePillowsClone] cat.home = catHomesClone delete expect('pink') expect([cat]) expect([0].home).toBeDefined() expect([0].home.pillows).toStrictEqual(cat.home.pillows) }) it('should filter nested relations', async () => { const config: PaginateConfig = { relations: { home: { pillows: true } }, sortableColumns: ['id', 'name'], filterableColumns: { 'home.pillows.color': [FilterOperator.EQ] }, } const query: PaginateQuery = { path: '', filter: { 'home.pillows.color': 'pink' }, } const result = await paginate(query, catRepo, config) const cat = clone(cats[1]) const catHomesClone = clone(catHomes[1]) const catHomePillowsClone = clone(catHomePillows[3]) delete catHomePillowsClone.home catHomesClone.countCat = cats.filter((cat) => === catHomesClone.pillows = [catHomePillowsClone] cat.home = catHomesClone delete expect(result.meta.filter['home.pillows.color']).toStrictEqual('pink') expect([cat]) expect([0].home).toBeDefined() expect([0].home.pillows).toStrictEqual(cat.home.pillows) }) })