import { Get, Post, Type } from '@nestjs/common' import { DocumentBuilder, SwaggerModule } from '@nestjs/swagger' import { FilterOperator, FilterSuffix, PaginateConfig } from '../paginate' import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing' import { PaginatedSwaggerDocs } from './api-paginated-swagger-docs.decorator' import { ApiPaginationQuery } from './api-paginated-query.decorator' import { ApiOkPaginatedResponse } from './api-ok-paginated-response.decorator' const BASE_PAGINATION_CONFIG = { sortableColumns: ['id'], } satisfies PaginateConfig const FULL_CONFIG = { ...BASE_PAGINATION_CONFIG, defaultSortBy: [['id', 'DESC']], defaultLimit: 20, maxLimit: 100, filterableColumns: { id: true, name: [FilterOperator.EQ, FilterSuffix.NOT], }, searchableColumns: ['name'], select: ['id', 'name'], } satisfies PaginateConfig class TestDto { id: string name: string } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types async function getSwaggerDefinitionForEndpoint(entityType: Type, config: PaginateConfig) { class TestController { @PaginatedSwaggerDocs(entityType, config) @Get('/test') public test(): void { // } @ApiPaginationQuery(config) @ApiOkPaginatedResponse(entityType, config) @Post('/test') public testPost(): void { // } } const fakeAppModule = await Test.createTestingModule({ controllers: [TestController], }).compile() const fakeApp = fakeAppModule.createNestApplication() return SwaggerModule.createDocument(fakeApp, new DocumentBuilder().build()) } describe('PaginatedEndpoint decorator', () => { it('post and get definition should be the same', async () => { const openApiDefinition = await getSwaggerDefinitionForEndpoint(TestDto, BASE_PAGINATION_CONFIG) expect(openApiDefinition.paths['/test'].get.parameters).toStrictEqual( openApiDefinition.paths['/test'].post.parameters ) }) it('should annotate endpoint with OpenApi documentation with limited config', async () => { const openApiDefinition = await getSwaggerDefinitionForEndpoint(TestDto, BASE_PAGINATION_CONFIG) const params = openApiDefinition.paths['/test'].get.parameters expect(params).toStrictEqual([ { name: 'page', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Page number to retrieve.If you provide invalid value the default page number will applied\n

\n Example: 1\n


\n Default Value: 1\n

\n ', schema: { type: 'number', }, }, { name: 'limit', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Number of records per page.\n

\n Example: 20\n


\n Default Value: 20\n


\n Max Value: 100\n

\n\n If provided value is greater than max value, max value will be applied.\n ', schema: { type: 'number', }, }, { name: 'sortBy', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Parameter to sort by.\n

To sort by multiple fields, just provide query param multiple types. The order in url defines an order of sorting


\n Format: fieldName:DIRECTION\n


\n Example: sortBy=id:DESC&sortBy=createdAt:ASC\n


\n Default Value: No default sorting specified, the result order is not guaranteed\n


Available Fields

  • id
\n ', schema: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', enum: ['id:ASC', 'id:DESC'], }, }, }, ]) expect(openApiDefinition.paths['/test'].get.responses).toEqual({ '200': { description: '', content: { 'application/json': { schema: { allOf: [ { $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaginatedDocumented', }, { properties: { data: { type: 'array', items: { $ref: '#/components/schemas/TestDto', }, }, meta: { properties: { select: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', }, }, filter: { type: 'object', properties: {}, }, }, }, }, }, ], }, }, }, }, }) }) it('should annotate endpoint with OpenApi documentation with full config', async () => { const openApiDefinition = await getSwaggerDefinitionForEndpoint(TestDto, FULL_CONFIG) const params = openApiDefinition.paths['/test'].get.parameters expect(params).toStrictEqual([ { name: 'page', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Page number to retrieve.If you provide invalid value the default page number will applied\n

\n Example: 1\n


\n Default Value: 1\n

\n ', schema: { type: 'number', }, }, { name: 'limit', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Number of records per page.\n

\n Example: 20\n


\n Default Value: 20\n


\n Max Value: 100\n

\n\n If provided value is greater than max value, max value will be applied.\n ', schema: { type: 'number', }, }, { name: '', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Filter by id query param.\n

\n Format:{$not}:OPERATION:VALUE\n


\n Example:$not:$like:John Doe&\n


Available Operations

  • $and
  • \n
  • $or
  • \n
  • $not
  • \n
  • $eq
  • \n
  • $gt
  • \n
  • $gte
  • \n
  • $in
  • \n
  • $null
  • \n
  • $lt
  • \n
  • $lte
  • \n
  • $btw
  • \n
  • $ilike
  • \n
  • $sw
  • \n
  • $contains
', schema: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', }, }, }, { name: '', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Filter by name query param.\n

\n Format:{$not}:OPERATION:VALUE\n


\n Example:$not:$like:John Doe&\n


Available Operations

  • $eq
  • \n
  • $not
', schema: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', }, }, }, { name: 'sortBy', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Parameter to sort by.\n

To sort by multiple fields, just provide query param multiple types. The order in url defines an order of sorting


\n Format: fieldName:DIRECTION\n


\n Example: sortBy=id:DESC&sortBy=createdAt:ASC\n


\n Default Value: id:DESC\n


Available Fields

  • id
\n ', schema: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', enum: ['id:ASC', 'id:DESC'], }, }, }, { name: 'search', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'Search term to filter result values\n

\n Example: John\n


\n Default Value: No default value\n

\n ', schema: { type: 'string', }, }, { name: 'searchBy', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'List of fields to search by term to filter result values\n

\n Example: name\n


\n Default Value: By default all fields mentioned below will be used to search by term\n


Available Fields

  • name
\n ', schema: { type: 'string', }, }, { name: 'select', required: false, in: 'query', description: 'List of fields to select.\n

\n Example: id,name\n


\n Default Value: By default all fields returns. If you want to select only some fields, provide them in query param\n

\n ', schema: { type: 'string', }, }, ]) expect(openApiDefinition.paths['/test'].get.responses).toEqual({ '200': { description: '', content: { 'application/json': { schema: { allOf: [ { $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaginatedDocumented', }, { properties: { data: { type: 'array', items: { $ref: '#/components/schemas/TestDto', }, }, meta: { properties: { select: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', enum: ['id', 'name'], }, }, filter: { type: 'object', properties: { id: { oneOf: [ { type: 'string', }, { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', }, }, ], }, name: { oneOf: [ { type: 'string', }, { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', }, }, ], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ], }, }, }, }, }) }) })